Fuel system not setting correctly

As the title says, I'm in the process of making a fuel system but fuel for some of the cars is being set to 0 on startup, and some are being set to -1. I think I have done everything correctly (code below) and I cant figure out whats wrong.

pawn Код:

for(new i=0;i<MAX_VEHICLES;i++)
     Fuel[i] = 100;

format(infostr, sizeof(infostr), "[Owner: %s]-[VIN: LVDMV-%i]-[Fuel: %i]", CarInfo[vehicleid][cOwner], vehicleid, CarInfo[vehicleid][cHouseid],Fuel[vehicleid]);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, infostr);
Like I said, the first car I get into after restarting the server says fuel is 0. It was a late-night addition to the script, so if I'm being a dunce and missing something let me know (kindly please )

pawn Код:
new Float:Fuel[MAX_VEHICLES];

format(string, 128, "Fuel: %.0f", Fuel[GetPlayerVehicleID(i)]);

It's not a problem with your fuel. You have an extra variable in your format(CarInfo[vehicleid][cHouseid]), take that out.

Oh I do don't I? Thanks

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