28.12.2010, 00:20
HD-RP is looking for a dedicated and experienced scripter that can help with minor or even major updates on the server.
Instead of using flatfiles we are storing all the data in MySQL tables, which gives us a unique oppurtunity to create a webbased UCP. Nevertheless, also gives the flexibility to advance commands and features IG.
Scripted so far:
-- Player orientated stuff
+ Register
+ Login
+ Spawns (saves pos and spawns player from last position, now also saves guns)
+ Data (all the information is stored in MySQL)
- Player commands
+ /withdraw (gets money from the bank obviously)
+ /deposit (stores money in the bank, no shit)
+ /wiretransfer (not enabled, but transfers money from one bank account to anothers)
+ /report (this will be more advanced, with ticket ids and /taketicket command and such... more info to come)
+ /do
+ /me
+ /o
+ /b
+ /turnkey (to start/stop engine, SPACE can also be used to start engine)
+ /answer (to answer tickets)
+ /call
+ /pickup
+ /h
+ /sms
+ /stats
+ /admins (List of all admins currently online AND on-duty)
-- Vehicle system
All the vehicles is stored in MySQL, and static vehicles can easily be added by doing /asc (type) (c1) (c2). When doing /respawnallcars ALL cars will be destroyed and vehicles from MySQL reloaded. You can also do /permdel on a MySQL vehicle to prevent it from spawning.
Also basic vehicle commands for like: /veh, /delcar, /fix, /colorcar, /respawncar, /respawnallcars, /fixplayercar (remote fix for a players vehicle).
- Player vehicles
+ You can buy vehicles from the cardealership (big new solid building with loads of floors, currently only using 3 of them).
+ When you enter a vehicle, you can do /buyvehicle and it will spawn your vehicle down stairs (if you got enough funds and so on).
+ /v park (Despawns your current vehicle, you must be the driver of it.)
+ /v get(1-3) (Spawns one of your vehicles, 1, 2 or 3)
+ /v set (Sets your vehicles spawning locations, costs $5000)
+ /v locate (Traces your vehicle spawn point, unless you got a GPS installed, it will spawn the current location of your vehicle)
+ /v destroy (Deletes your vehicle, this has to be confirmed)
- Admin abilities for the car dealership:
Dealershipvehicles can easily be added IG, by doing /asc (price) (name).
-- Faction system
Faction is aswell based on MySQL, all the cords and attributes are saved in MySQL. You can easily add a faction through the UCP, which will be active in the game once you hit 'add'. No need for silly restarts anymore. Faction vehicles can easily be added (with locks) by doing /asv (factionid) (c1) (c2).
Some faction commands:
+ /leavefaction
+ /f invite
+ /f kick
+ /f rank
+ /f set (this command is only for admin and sets a players faction)
+ /f info (command is only for admin, displays amount of members, ranks, name, and safebalance)
+ /f savehq (make/update faction HQ, only for lvl 4+ admins)
Government factions can access /d to radiochat between factions. All factions have /r to talk ICly in their own faction.
-- Interior system
You are probably tired of reading the word 'MySQL', so I will save it for later. Atleast you can add interiors/houses IG by doing a simple command /addint (desc) (exit/enter). After doing this you simply do /reloadints and the interior will be working as it should.
To enter an interior you press 'F' or 'enter', have to set a timer for this so you can't excploit and go crazy, ending up crashing the server because it was overloaded by queries.
-- Admins
There is a lot of admin commands, won't go in detail on them just ask if you have any questions.
+ Access adminchat by typing !andyourmessagehere.
+ /kick
+ /ban
+ /warn
+ /asay (Sends an admin message to (player/all)
+ /tod
+ /gotocar
+ /freeze
+ /unfreeze
+ /vehicleid (also displays the MySQL Row ID)
+ /plate
+ /gmx (sets a timer to restart the server, players will be notified)
+ /tp (unique teleport menu)
+ /savetp (You can save teleports to the /tp command)
+ /deletetp (Easily delete a teleport you made)
+ /setskin
+ /gethere
+ /goto
+ /sethp
+ /setarmor
+ /respawnallcars
+ /respawncar
+ /reloadints
+ /asc
+ /asv
+ /rename
+ /givegun
+ /gotpos (intid) (x) (y) (z)
+ /setint
+ /setworld
+ /allgethere
+ /nuke
+ /givememymoney (slaps a player like 3000 feets in the air, taking all their money until they say 'I love Andreas', just for fun (wont be used))
+ /taketicket
+ /releaseticket
+ /check
+ /specplayer
+ /specvehicle
+ /specoff
+ /maketester
+ /startallengines
+ /stopallengines
+ /vpara (lights, trunk, boot, engine and so on)
+ /permdel
+ /fixplayercar
+++ A lot that I can't remember atm.
-- Other commands:
LSPD, FBI, SS: /cuff, /detain, /tazer, /gate(H), /swipe(F) (just started on)
SANews: /onair, /news, /interview, /endinterview
This is like a two week development, including the holidays. There has only been one scripter working on this atm, imagine how it would be with several people in the dev team cooperating to make this the best gamemode for roleplay.
Instead of using flatfiles we are storing all the data in MySQL tables, which gives us a unique oppurtunity to create a webbased UCP. Nevertheless, also gives the flexibility to advance commands and features IG.
Scripted so far:
-- Player orientated stuff
+ Register
+ Login
+ Spawns (saves pos and spawns player from last position, now also saves guns)
+ Data (all the information is stored in MySQL)
- Player commands
+ /withdraw (gets money from the bank obviously)
+ /deposit (stores money in the bank, no shit)
+ /wiretransfer (not enabled, but transfers money from one bank account to anothers)
+ /report (this will be more advanced, with ticket ids and /taketicket command and such... more info to come)
+ /do
+ /me
+ /o
+ /b
+ /turnkey (to start/stop engine, SPACE can also be used to start engine)
+ /answer (to answer tickets)
+ /call
+ /pickup
+ /h
+ /sms
+ /stats
+ /admins (List of all admins currently online AND on-duty)
-- Vehicle system
All the vehicles is stored in MySQL, and static vehicles can easily be added by doing /asc (type) (c1) (c2). When doing /respawnallcars ALL cars will be destroyed and vehicles from MySQL reloaded. You can also do /permdel on a MySQL vehicle to prevent it from spawning.
Also basic vehicle commands for like: /veh, /delcar, /fix, /colorcar, /respawncar, /respawnallcars, /fixplayercar (remote fix for a players vehicle).
- Player vehicles
+ You can buy vehicles from the cardealership (big new solid building with loads of floors, currently only using 3 of them).
+ When you enter a vehicle, you can do /buyvehicle and it will spawn your vehicle down stairs (if you got enough funds and so on).
+ /v park (Despawns your current vehicle, you must be the driver of it.)
+ /v get(1-3) (Spawns one of your vehicles, 1, 2 or 3)
+ /v set (Sets your vehicles spawning locations, costs $5000)
+ /v locate (Traces your vehicle spawn point, unless you got a GPS installed, it will spawn the current location of your vehicle)
+ /v destroy (Deletes your vehicle, this has to be confirmed)
- Admin abilities for the car dealership:
Dealershipvehicles can easily be added IG, by doing /asc (price) (name).
-- Faction system
Faction is aswell based on MySQL, all the cords and attributes are saved in MySQL. You can easily add a faction through the UCP, which will be active in the game once you hit 'add'. No need for silly restarts anymore. Faction vehicles can easily be added (with locks) by doing /asv (factionid) (c1) (c2).
Some faction commands:
+ /leavefaction
+ /f invite
+ /f kick
+ /f rank
+ /f set (this command is only for admin and sets a players faction)
+ /f info (command is only for admin, displays amount of members, ranks, name, and safebalance)
+ /f savehq (make/update faction HQ, only for lvl 4+ admins)
Government factions can access /d to radiochat between factions. All factions have /r to talk ICly in their own faction.
-- Interior system
You are probably tired of reading the word 'MySQL', so I will save it for later. Atleast you can add interiors/houses IG by doing a simple command /addint (desc) (exit/enter). After doing this you simply do /reloadints and the interior will be working as it should.
To enter an interior you press 'F' or 'enter', have to set a timer for this so you can't excploit and go crazy, ending up crashing the server because it was overloaded by queries.
-- Admins
There is a lot of admin commands, won't go in detail on them just ask if you have any questions.
+ Access adminchat by typing !andyourmessagehere.
+ /kick
+ /ban
+ /warn
+ /asay (Sends an admin message to (player/all)
+ /tod
+ /gotocar
+ /freeze
+ /unfreeze
+ /vehicleid (also displays the MySQL Row ID)
+ /plate
+ /gmx (sets a timer to restart the server, players will be notified)
+ /tp (unique teleport menu)
+ /savetp (You can save teleports to the /tp command)
+ /deletetp (Easily delete a teleport you made)
+ /setskin
+ /gethere
+ /goto
+ /sethp
+ /setarmor
+ /respawnallcars
+ /respawncar
+ /reloadints
+ /asc
+ /asv
+ /rename
+ /givegun
+ /gotpos (intid) (x) (y) (z)
+ /setint
+ /setworld
+ /allgethere
+ /nuke
+ /givememymoney (slaps a player like 3000 feets in the air, taking all their money until they say 'I love Andreas', just for fun (wont be used))
+ /taketicket
+ /releaseticket
+ /check
+ /specplayer
+ /specvehicle
+ /specoff
+ /maketester
+ /startallengines
+ /stopallengines
+ /vpara (lights, trunk, boot, engine and so on)
+ /permdel
+ /fixplayercar
+++ A lot that I can't remember atm.
-- Other commands:
LSPD, FBI, SS: /cuff, /detain, /tazer, /gate(H), /swipe(F) (just started on)
SANews: /onair, /news, /interview, /endinterview
This is like a two week development, including the holidays. There has only been one scripter working on this atm, imagine how it would be with several people in the dev team cooperating to make this the best gamemode for roleplay.