i need help (scripting help)

Hi .. fainlly i end my new roleplay script
but i have few question about somethenks

1-how i can change the IP ?
2-how i let any player be police man/FBI/sasp ect.... only if the admins accept him ?

and the very important question is how i can let myself adminstrator and i can let any player admin ?

the is my question hope you answer faster so bye

oh I forgot somethenk too:

i know when you add a faction you must type the number of the faction ... so i want to know where i can know all the numbers of the factions

Originally Posted by abubaker98
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oh I forgot somethenk too:

i know when you add a faction you must type the number of the faction ... so i want to know where i can know all the numbers of the factions
in the script. and what script are you useing

1) WhatIsMyIp.com --> add to favorites IP you see there
2) Can't really help you, what script do you use?
3) Register an account on your server (if you have register/login system scripted), take a look at scriptfiles, find your account (usually nick.txt) and change admin level in it or /rcon login [password].

2- am using reven's roleplay and GF
(i mix the two gamemodes ) that mean i have a role play server

I thank all the people helped me in making that server. and am sorry for my lot questions i asked to you but thank you again for everythenk


I think you mean Raven's roleplay?
I believe it already has the stuff from point 2

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