Timer Problem

I have a problem when making a timer. Look at part of my script.

On the top of the script:
pawn Code:
forward takeover(playerid, gangzoneid);
forward counter(playerid, gangzoneid);
And then, I added these functions:
pawn Code:
//Gangzone Functions
public takeover(playerid, gangzoneid)
    new string[256];
    if(GetGangzoneOwner(gangzoneid) >= 0)
        format(string, sizeof(string), "|- {FFFF00}%s {00FF00}has successfully taking over the territory of {FFFF00}%s {00FF00} -|", PlayerName(playerid), GetTeamName(GetGangzoneOwner(gangzoneid)));
        SendClientMessageToAll(0x00FF00AA, string);
        format(string, sizeof(string), "|- {FFFF00}%s {00FF00}has successfully taking over a territory -|", PlayerName(playerid));
        SendClientMessageToAll(0x00FF00AA, string);

    GangzoneOwner[gangzoneid] = GetPlayerTeam(playerid);
    GangzoneChangeOwner[gangzoneid] = -1;

    GangZoneShowForAll(gangzoneid, GetPlayerColor(playerid));
    GangzoneColor[gangzoneid] = GetPlayerColor(playerid);

    KillTimer(GetPVarInt(playerid, "gzcounter"));

public counter(playerid, gangzoneid)
    new Float:junk, Float:y;
    new string[256];
    GetPlayerPos(playerid, junk, y, junk);

    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 30, GangzoneCheckpoint[gangzoneid][0], y, GangzoneCheckpoint[gangzoneid][2]))
        if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 20, GangzoneCheckpoint[gangzoneid][0], y, GangzoneCheckpoint[gangzoneid][2]))
            GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~w~Watch out! ~r~You're too far from the ~y~checkpoint!~n~~w~Go back to the checkpoint!", 2000, 2);
        GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~You failed on trying to ~y~takeover~r~ this territory", 4000, 2);

        format(string, sizeof(string), "|- {FFFF00}%s {FF0000}has failed on trying to takeover the territory -|", PlayerName(playerid));
        SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFF00AA, string);

        KillTimer(GetPVarInt(playerid, "gztimer"));
        KillTimer(GetPVarInt(playerid, "gzcounter"));

    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFF00AA, "1 second elapsed"); //This is the debug
And, I added this in OnPlayerCommandText (Somewhere in it):
pawn Code:
SetPVarInt(playerid, "gztimer", SetTimerEx("takeover", 60000, false, "ii", playerid, IsPlayerInGangzoneCheckpoint(playerid)));
SetPVarInt(playerid, "gzcounter", SetTimerEx("counter", 1000, true, "ii", playerid, IsPlayerInGangzoneCheckpoint(playerid)));
I used the command, I saw that 1 second elapsed message (which is the debug I wanted), but the take over doesn't. I've wait for 1 minute and still nothing happened (I count with the debug). Anyone can help please?

I don't know what IsPlayerInGangzoneCheckpoint(playerid) returns, but it looks like it returns 1 for true or 0 for false?
Then you use this value as gangzoneid in your timer. Maybe this is intentional, maybe not.

The IsPlayerInGangzoneCheckpoint(playerid) returns the gangzone ID (No, not "real" gangzone ID, it's another gangzone ID between 0 to 6) and it returns -1 if the palyer isn't in gangzone.

The functions work perfectly, only the timer doesn't run


if your function IsPlayerInGangzoneCheckpoint(playerid) doesn't return an actual gangzoneid, then I don't think you should be using GangZoneHideForAll(gangzoneid); in the takeover function.

I suggest you use printf / print to debug this. ie find out if the timer is being called, what values the variables have, and then take it from there.

Hmm, you got a point actually...

The Territory has flashed. But the timer still won't run. Any idea?

If that is the case, split the SetPVarInt command up into its parts, use some extra variables, and printf the results.

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