PC to Mac (Don't bloody argue)

Well guys, here it is,

Some of you may know that I'm a designer, in XHTML, HTML, CSS and basic print design around the World for companies and competitions. I've been planning on getting a Mac for a long time, and it's just come around to me to start keeping the funds (recently got a bit of money through my hosting, which will contribute to it) and well all these projects and concepts I'm working on will need a faster computer (preferably a Mac).

I've narrowed it down, to either upgrading my computer fully (Currently running at 2.3GHz Triple Core, 4GB DDR2 333MHZ RAM, 320GB HDD, and a Nvidia 330GT 1GB GFX Card) and well upgrading that would cost around Ј300-Ј700 for a fully upgraded system for Windows and all sorted. A decent Mac would cost around Ј1000-Ј1500 (Importing from America for price saving and/or using university discounts) and that would do everything I need any want.

Anyone here have a Mac, if so, what is your opinion on it? Should I get a Mac or upgrade my Windows 7 PC?

(PC users, don't fucking rage over my idea and concept of switching to a Mac, it's my decision so don't cry about it here, if you wanna rage, this isn't the place)

We use Mac based machines in school. They are good, however not worth nearly the price they are set at. You can get a PC twice as good for the same price.

Originally Posted by Grim_
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We use Mac based machines in school. They are good, however not worth nearly the price they are set at. You can get a PC twice as good for the same price.
What did you use them for Grim_, just basic stuff or what?

Yeah, pretty much.

The only thing that was different from normal computer use (Writing papers, browsing the internet) we did some Technical Drawing (3D drawings with AutoCAD).

Ahh okay, how did that work for you? What ones did you have? The July 2010 version or the 2009 versions?

We actually have a lot of them, the two you listed and some 2007 editions. We switch between the ones we use depending on the drawing we are going to create. Mostly the 2007 version though, if I'm not mistaken.

Originally Posted by Grim_
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We actually have a lot of them, the two you listed and some 2007 editions. We switch between the ones we use depending on the drawing we are going to create. Mostly the 2007 version though, if I'm not mistaken.
Alright, well, I'll be getting one some time early 2011, so I'm hoping they make a new edition! I'm going to be mainly using Photoshop, Flash and Dreamweaver on it, and obviously a few other programs, what's your idea on that?

It would work just like it would on the PC. Just realize, you're paying a lot more for it.

At the same time you may like the way Mac operates and it's overall design.

This might be a bit naughty, but..

Ever considered running OSX on your PC? ****** it.
That way, you get the best of both worlds?

I love Macs design and build quality, but I don't like throwing away money.
Also, since you are paying for university, you'll be needing to save all the money you can get your hands on xD

If you are going to get a mac, then get the base line macbook pro. I got the 1K macbook, and now i realised that i should have gotten the pro.

But if you want to keep your PC then just upgrade the shit outta it. But if you want to get a new computer that has a different feel, and can possibly open new software possibilities to you, then mac. Or see if you can hackintosh, but thats not for beginners :/

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