[HELP] ini.part file

Hello, thanks for looking at my topic.

I have an error with my file system - Dini.

The problem is when I try to write to a file. It makes a ini.part file and crashes the server. I did a healthy amount of searching on this problem and even on the error codes in my crash log and came up with https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?pid=947278#pid947278 this topic and a thread by someone that fixed their problem but didn't say how they fixed it.

It does this whenever it writes an integer or a string to a file, it does not have to be a specific command or event that writes it to the file.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you!

Post your dini code, that you use to save the file

EDIT: OMFG ! THEY reduced the 120 sec. waiting time!

This is your computer screaming at you saying, "STOP USING DINI!!!! IT'S OUTDATED AND INEFFICIENT!!!!".

I HIGHLY suggest you and everyone else on these forums to stop using dini. It is, as your computer suggests, outdated and inefficient.

.part files are created when the data is being written to the files. You are attempting to save a lot of data into the files, that it is too fast for dini to keep up with, so it creates the .part file instead and never finishes writing into the correct file.

Please note, that is only one of the reasons .part files can show up.

Well, it isn't on any specific command or event, so i'm not sure which code you're asking for.

It was working flawlessly in 0.3b, but this error is happening in my 0.3c Test Server.

I should probably post this in 0.3c scripting, but I wanted to see if anyone here wanted to take a nibble at is first.

If there is a specific code you're looking for though, let me know. Here is an example of how I save a .ini file.

GetPlayerName(playerid, playerName, sizeof(playerName));
format(playerfile, sizeof(playerfile),"xadmin/Users/%s.ini", udb_encode(playerName));

				dini_IntSet(playerfile, "Job", 3);

Originally Posted by Grim_
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This is your computer screaming at you saying, "STOP USING DINI!!!! IT'S OUTDATED AND INEFFICIENT!!!!".

I HIGHLY suggest you and everyone else on these forums to stop using dini. It is, as your computer suggests, outdated and inefficient.

.part files are created when the data is being written to the files. You are attempting to save a lot of data into the files, that it is too fast for dini to keep up with, so it creates the .part file instead and never finishes writing into the correct file.

Please note, that is only one of the reasons .part files can show up.
I have looked into y_ini and would really like to switch to it, but I am not sure how you would go about checking if a ini file exists like you can with dini_Exists.

Do you have any idea about how to do that?

Thanks for the reply, by the way!

Just use the default file function to check,
pawn Код:
fexist( file[ ] );

I guess it's time to change from dini then. I knew the move was going to come someday, I was just trying to avoid it.

Thanks for the quick replies, guys.

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