Kick NPC

Hey, can I like kick my NPC with a timer? and let it come back with a timer

if yes, please tell me how...

Yes, it can be done,
as I did it for a AirStrike in my San Andreas War v1 and v.2
But I forget how I did it...
I remember I had to use, /airstrike which would connect the NPC,
and the timer, would KickPlayer(NPCName);
Try Searching for it.

Originally Posted by Lynn
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Yes, it can be done,
as I did it for a AirStrike in my San Andreas War v1 and v.2
But I forget how I did it...
I remember I had to use, /airstrike which would connect the NPC,
and the timer, would KickPlayer(NPCName);
Try Searching for it.
hmm, so I can use Kick("NPCname") instead of Kick(Playerid)?

does this also work with playerID's?

No that's wrong.
I was wrong.
I must of used, DisconnectNPC();
or what ever the correct Syntax is.
I currently have not used Pawno is quite some time, so I don't remember it all perfectly xD
Then use, ConnectNPC();

Well you must know what is your npc ID and change playerid with NPCid

Maybe you will use something like these
pawn Код:
for(new i; i = 0; i++)
    new name;//maybe    new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    If(name == "Your Npc Name")
Thats about kick

Yes, you must use Kick();
In-order to disconnect the NPC.
As I just remembered,
DisconnectNPC(); is not a real function.
My apologies.

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