Key defines

I have been looking all over the forum, but I cant find any extended key defines. The ones that is on wiki is not the ones Im looking for as I am trying to detect the Shift key when you are in a vehicle. The jump key is basically the shift key, but when you are inside a vehicle, the key parameters change and then none keys are assigned to the shift key.

So does anyone have any include for key defines, or at least can detect the shift key while inside a vehicle?

..but nobody seems to care

Originally Posted by scottyishere
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Well, its kinda the same subject. But basically Im asking for a include for key defines. Anyhow, I have checked out the topic, but there is no solution in there

There is no such include. Sa-mp can only detect certain keys depending on your state. If you look on the wiki you can see which keys are being watched and which state you must be.
They are labeled "Gametext-Key on Foot" and "Gametext-Key in Vehicle".
So if your in a vehicle you can't detect some keys and vice versa.

Originally Posted by iggy1
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There is no such include. Sa-mp can only detect certain keys depending on your state. If you look on the wiki you can see which keys are being watched and which state you must be.
They are labeled "Gametext-Key on Foot" and "Gametext-Key in Vehicle".
So if your in a vehicle you can't detect some keys and vice versa.
That doesnt exactly help at all. I already know that the key state changes when in a vehicle, but thats also the problem as we are unable to detect the Shift Key while inside a vehicle

Originally Posted by Sayaron
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The jump key is basically the shift key
Negative. I've always used my jump key as space.

True, read what I typed in that topic, even KEY_FIRE isn't working properly...

It needs to be fixed.

GetPlayerKeys fails too...

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