04.12.2010, 15:28
Hello i have problem. Mysql is not loading house in database.
and database
#include <a_samp> #include <streamer> #include <a_mysql> #include <sscanf2> #include <zcmd> #define MAX_HOUSES 500 #define MYSQL_IP "localhost" #define MYSQL_USER "root" #define MYSQL_PASSWORD "" #define MYSQL_DB "sa-mp" #define MYSQL_TABLE_NAME "houses" #define IS_ADMIN(%1) IsPlayerAdmin(%1) #define GET_MONEY(%1) GetPlayerMoney(%1) #define ADD_MONEY(%1,%2) GivePlayerMoney(%1,(%2)) #define DEFAULT_HOUSE_PRICE 500000 #define DEFAULT_HOUSE_INTERIOR 0 #define HOUSE_SELL_PAYBACK 0.75 #define EXIT_PICKUP_MODEL 1272 #define HOUSE_PICKUP_MODEL 1273 #define MAX_INTERIORS 15 #define HOUSE_RANGE 1.0 #define INVALID_HOUSE_ID 0 #define HOUSE_WORLD_OFFSET 0 #define HOUSE_LABEL_SIZE 64 #define HOUSE_ENTER_LEAVE_KEY KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK #define HOUSE_LABEL_COLOR 0x008000FF #define COLOR_RED 0xAA3333AA #define COLOR_WHITE 0xFFFFFFFF #define function%0(%1) forward%0(%1); public%0(%1) #define ADMIN if (!IS_ADMIN(playerid)) return 0 #define ERROR(%1) SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, %1) #define MESSAGE(%1) SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, %1) #define MSG msg, sizeof(msg) #define QUERY(%1) mysql_query(%1, -1, -1, mysql_connection) #define GET_INT(%1,%2) mysql_fetch_field_row(tmp, %2);%1 = strval(tmp) #define GET_STR(%1,%2) mysql_fetch_field_row(%1, %2) #define GET_FLOAT(%1,%2) mysql_fetch_field_row(tmp, %2);%1 = floatstr(tmp) #define NEW_KEY(%1) ((newkeys & %1) && !(oldkeys & %1)) #define ADD_INTERIOR(%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6) \ Interiors[%1][int_x] = %2; \ Interiors[%1][int_y] = %3; \ Interiors[%1][int_z] = %4; \ Interiors[%1][int_r] = %5; \ Interiors[%1][int_interior] = %6; \ Interiors[%1][int_pickup]=CreateDynamicPickup(EXIT_PICKUP_MODEL,23,%2,%3,%4,-1,%6,-1) #define SPAWN_HOUSE(%1) \ Houses[%1][house_pickup] = CreateDynamicPickup(HOUSE_PICKUP_MODEL, 23, \ Houses[%1][house_x], Houses[%1][house_y], \ Houses[%1][house_z], 0, 0, -1); \ Houses[%1][house_label] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("", HOUSE_LABEL_COLOR, \ Houses[%1][house_x], Houses[%1][house_y], \ Houses[%1][house_z]+0.75, 20, \ INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, true, 0, 0, -1); \ UpdateHouseLabel(id) forward GetPlayerHouseID(playerid); forward IsHouseOwnedByPlayer(playerid, houseid); forward PutPlayerInHouse(playerid, id); forward RemovePlayerFromHouse(playerid); forward GiveHouseToPlayer(playerid, houseid); forward TakeHouseFromPlayer(houseid); forward GetPlayerHouseEntrance(playerid); forward CreateHouse(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:r, price, interior, Slots2); forward GetHousePos(houseid, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z); forward GetHouseFacingAngle(houseid, &Float:angle); enum HouseData { Float:house_x, Float:house_y, Float:house_z, Float:house_r, house_price, house_interior, house_owner[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], house_pickup, Text3D:house_label, Slots } enum PlayerData { last_house_entrance, in_house } enum InteriorData { int_interior, Float:int_x, Float:int_y, Float:int_z, Float:int_r, int_pickup } new mysql_connection, Float:Houses[MAX_HOUSES][HouseData], Float:Players[MAX_PLAYERS][PlayerData], Float:Interiors[MAX_INTERIORS][InteriorData]; public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys) { new id; if (NEW_KEY(HOUSE_ENTER_LEAVE_KEY)) { if ((id = GetPlayerHouseEntrance(playerid))) { if (!IsHouseOwnedByPlayer(playerid, id)) return GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~You don't own this house", 3000, 3); PutPlayerInHouse(playerid, id); } else if ((id = Players[playerid][in_house])) { new i = Houses[id][house_interior]; if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, HOUSE_RANGE, Interiors[i][int_x], Interiors[i][int_y], Interiors[i][int_z])) RemovePlayerFromHouse(playerid); } } return 1; } public OnFilterScriptInit() { DisableInteriorEnterExits(); ADD_INTERIOR(0, 2259.8435, -1136.2699, 1050.6328, 254.2604, 10); ADD_INTERIOR(1, 2233.4900, -1114.4435, 1050.8828, 357.3481, 5); ADD_INTERIOR(2, 2196.3943, -1204.1359, 1049.0234, 78.2122, 6); ADD_INTERIOR(3, 2318.1616, -1026.3762, 1050.2109, 358.3114, 9); ADD_INTERIOR(4, 421.8333, 2536.9814, 10, 92.9158, 10); ADD_INTERIOR(5, 234.6087, 1187.8195, 1080.2578, 349.4844, 3); ADD_INTERIOR(6, 225.5707, 1240.0643, 1082.1406, 96.2852, 2); ADD_INTERIOR(7, 223.2357, 1287.0824, 1082.1406, 359.868, 1); ADD_INTERIOR(8, 226.7545, 1114.4180, 1080.9952, 267.4440, 5); ADD_INTERIOR(8, 2269.9636, -1210.3275, 1047.5625, 89.8057, 10); ADD_INTERIOR(9, 2496.2087, -1692.3149, 1014.7422, 181.4683, 3); ADD_INTERIOR(10, 1299.1381, -796.1603, 1084.0078, 0, 5); ADD_INTERIOR(11, 318.8655, 1115.1758, 1083.8828, 2.0485, 5); ADD_INTERIOR(12, 2324.3159, -1148.7551, 1050.7101, 2.1677, 12); ADD_INTERIOR(13, 2365.0630, -1135.2068, 1050.8750, 357.6382, 8); ADD_INTERIOR(14, 2283.0852, -1139.4916, 1050.8984, 359.7849, 11); mysql_connection = mysql_connect(MYSQL_IP, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_DB, MYSQL_PASSWORD); mysql_free_result(mysql_connection); QUERY("SELECT * FROM `"#MYSQL_TABLE_NAME"` WHERE `id` < "#MAX_HOUSES); mysql_store_result(mysql_connection); new n; while (mysql_retrieve_row()) { new tmp[32]; new id; GET_INT(id, "id"); GET_INT(Houses[id][house_price], "price"); GET_INT(Houses[id][house_interior], "interior"); GET_INT(Houses[id][Slots], "Slots"); GET_STR(Houses[id][house_owner], "owner"); new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:r; GET_FLOAT(x, "x"); GET_FLOAT(y, "y"); GET_FLOAT(z, "z"); GET_FLOAT(r, "r"); Houses[id][house_x] = x; Houses[id][house_y] = y; Houses[id][house_z] = z; Houses[id][house_r] = r; SPAWN_HOUSE(id); n++; } printf("%d houses loaded from %s/%s/%s, username %s", n, MYSQL_IP, MYSQL_DB, MYSQL_TABLE_NAME, MYSQL_USER); print("House system loaded"); return 1; } public OnFilterScriptExit() { mysql_close(mysql_connection); print("\nHouse system unloaded\n"); return 1; } public OnPlayerPickUpDynamicPickup(playerid, pickupid) { for (new i=1; i < MAX_HOUSES; i++) if (pickupid == Houses[i][house_pickup]) { Players[playerid][last_house_entrance] = i; if (IsHouseOwnedByPlayer(playerid, i)) GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~y~Press ~r~~k~~VEHICLE_ENTER_EXIT~ ~y~to enter your house", 3000, 3); break; } return 1; } public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { Players[playerid][in_house] = INVALID_HOUSE_ID; Players[playerid][last_house_entrance] = INVALID_HOUSE_ID; return 0; } public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { return 0; } public GetHousePos(houseid, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z) { if (houseid == INVALID_HOUSE_ID || houseid >= MAX_HOUSES || !Houses[houseid][house_price]) return false; x = Houses[houseid][house_x]; y = Houses[houseid][house_y]; z = Houses[houseid][house_z]; return true; } public GetHouseFacingAngle(houseid, &Float:angle) { if (houseid == INVALID_HOUSE_ID || houseid >= MAX_HOUSES || !Houses[houseid][house_price]) return false; angle = Houses[houseid][house_r]; return true; } stock UpdateHouseLabel(houseid) { if (houseid == INVALID_HOUSE_ID) return false; new label[HOUSE_LABEL_SIZE]; if (isnull(Houses[houseid][house_owner])) format(label, HOUSE_LABEL_SIZE, "For sale\nPrice: %s\nSlots:%i", FormatMoney(Houses[houseid][house_price]), Houses[houseid][Slots]); else format(label, HOUSE_LABEL_SIZE, "House owned by:\n%s", Houses[houseid][house_owner]); return UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText(Houses[houseid][house_label], HOUSE_LABEL_COLOR, label); } public IsHouseOwnedByPlayer(playerid, houseid) { if (houseid == INVALID_HOUSE_ID) return false; return (!isnull(Houses[houseid][house_owner]) && !strcmp(Houses[houseid][house_owner], PlayerName(playerid), false, MAX_PLAYER_NAME)); } public PutPlayerInHouse(playerid, id) { if (id == INVALID_HOUSE_ID) return 0; new interior = Houses[id][house_interior]; SetPlayerInterior(playerid, Interiors[interior][int_interior]); SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, HOUSE_WORLD_OFFSET+id); SetPlayerPos(playerid, Interiors[interior][int_x],Interiors[interior][int_y],Interiors[interior][int_z]); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, Interiors[interior][int_r]); SetCameraBehindPlayer(playerid); Players[playerid][in_house] = id; Streamer_Update(playerid); return 1; } public RemovePlayerFromHouse(playerid) { new id = Players[playerid][in_house]; if (id == INVALID_HOUSE_ID) return 0; Streamer_UpdateEx(playerid, Houses[id][house_x], Houses[id][house_y], Houses[id][house_z]); SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0); SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0); SetPlayerPos(playerid, Houses[id][house_x], Houses[id][house_y], Houses[id][house_z]); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, Houses[id][house_r]); SetCameraBehindPlayer(playerid); Players[playerid][in_house] = 0; return 1; } public GiveHouseToPlayer(playerid, houseid) { if (houseid == INVALID_HOUSE_ID || !isnull(Houses[houseid][house_owner])) return 0; GetPlayerName(playerid, Houses[houseid][house_owner], MAX_PLAYER_NAME); printf("House %d is given to %s", houseid, Houses[houseid][house_owner]); SaveHouse(houseid); UpdateHouseLabel(houseid); return 1; } public TakeHouseFromPlayer(houseid) { if (houseid == INVALID_HOUSE_ID || isnull(Houses[houseid][house_owner])) return 0; printf("Evicting %s from house %d", Houses[houseid][house_owner], houseid); Houses[houseid][house_owner] = 0; SaveHouse(houseid); UpdateHouseLabel(houseid); return 1; } stock GetNewHouseID() { for (new i=1; i < MAX_HOUSES; i++) if (!Houses[i][house_price]) return i; return INVALID_HOUSE_ID; } stock SaveHouse(houseid) { new q[200]; format(q, 200, "UPDATE `"#MYSQL_TABLE_NAME"` SET `price`=%d,`owner`='%s',`x`='%f',`y`='%f',`z`='%f',`r`='%f',`interior`=%d,`Slots`=%i WHERE `id`=%d LIMIT 1", Houses[houseid][house_price], Houses[houseid][house_owner], Houses[houseid][house_x], Houses[houseid][house_y], Houses[houseid][house_z], Houses[houseid][house_r], Houses[houseid][house_interior], Houses[houseid][Slots], houseid); QUERY(q); return 1; } public GetPlayerHouseEntrance(playerid) { new id = Players[playerid][last_house_entrance]; if (id == INVALID_HOUSE_ID || IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, HOUSE_RANGE, Houses[id][house_x], Houses[id][house_y], Houses[id][house_z])) return id; return INVALID_HOUSE_ID; } public GetPlayerHouseID(playerid) { return Players[playerid][in_house]; } public CreateHouse(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:r, price, interior, Slots2) { new id = GetNewHouseID(); if (id == INVALID_HOUSE_ID || price <= 0 || interior >= MAX_INTERIORS || interior < 0) return INVALID_HOUSE_ID; Houses[id][house_x] = x; Houses[id][house_y] = y; Houses[id][house_z] = z; Houses[id][house_r] = r; Houses[id][house_price] = price; Houses[id][house_interior] = interior; Houses[id][house_owner] = 0; Houses[id][Slots] = Slots2; new q[128]; format(q, 200, "INSERT INTO `"#MYSQL_TABLE_NAME"` (`id`) VALUES (%d)", id); QUERY(q); SPAWN_HOUSE(id); SaveHouse(id); printf("House %d is created. Price %s, interior %d", id, FormatMoney(price), interior); return id; } CMD:buyhouse(playerid, params[]) { new price, id = GetPlayerHouseEntrance(playerid); if (id == INVALID_HOUSE_ID) return ERROR("You must stand in house entrance!"); price = Houses[id][house_price]; if (GET_MONEY(playerid) >= price && GiveHouseToPlayer(playerid, id)) { ADD_MONEY(playerid, -price); new msg[128]; format(MSG, "You bought house for %s", FormatMoney(price)); MESSAGE(msg); } else ERROR("You cannot buy this house!"); return 1; } CMD:sellhouse(playerid, params[]) { new price, id = GetPlayerHouseEntrance(playerid); if (!IsHouseOwnedByPlayer(playerid, id)) return ERROR("You must stand in the entrance of your house"); price = floatround(Houses[id][house_price] * HOUSE_SELL_PAYBACK); if (TakeHouseFromPlayer(id)) { ADD_MONEY(playerid, price); new msg[128]; format(MSG, "You sold house for %s", FormatMoney(price)); MESSAGE(msg); } else ERROR("You cannot sell this house!"); return 1; } CMD:enter(playerid, params[]) { new id = GetPlayerHouseEntrance(playerid); if (id == INVALID_HOUSE_ID) return ERROR("You must be in house entrance to use this command"); if (IsHouseOwnedByPlayer(playerid, id) || IS_ADMIN(playerid)) PutPlayerInHouse(playerid, id); else ERROR("You don't own this house"); return 1; } CMD:exit(playerid, params[]) { if (!RemovePlayerFromHouse(playerid)) return ERROR("You must be inside house to use this command"); return 1; } CMD:housecmds(playerid, params[]) { MESSAGE("House commands: /BuyHouse /SellHouse /enter /exit"); if (IS_ADMIN(playerid)) { MESSAGE("Admin house commands: /AddHouse /SetPrice /SetInterior /GiveHouse /Evict /TeleHouse"); } return 1; } CMD:addhouse(playerid, params[]) { ADMIN; new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:r, price, interior, id, msg[128], Slots2; GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z); GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, r); if (sscanf(params, "iI("#DEFAULT_HOUSE_INTERIOR")i", price, interior, Slots2)) return ERROR("Usage: /AddHouse [price] (interior="#DEFAULT_HOUSE_INTERIOR") [Slots]"); if (price <= 0) return ERROR("Price given is not correct!"); if ((id = CreateHouse(x, y, z, r, price, interior, Slots2)) == INVALID_HOUSE_ID) ERROR("House could not be created! House limit "#MAX_HOUSES" may have been reached"); format(MSG, "House %d has been created with price %s and interior %d", id, FormatMoney(Houses[id][house_price]), Houses[id][house_interior]); MESSAGE(msg); Streamer_Update(playerid); return 1; } CMD:telehouse(playerid, params[]) { ADMIN; new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, id; if (sscanf(params, "i", id)) return ERROR("Usage: /TeleHouse [houseid]"); if (!GetHousePos(id, x, y, z)) return ERROR("Invalid house id!"); Streamer_UpdateEx(playerid, x, y ,z); SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0); SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0); SetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z); return 1; } CMD:setprice(playerid, params[]) { ADMIN; new price; if (sscanf(params, "i", price)) return ERROR("Usage: /SetPrice [price]"); if (price <= 0) return ERROR("Price is too low!"); new id = GetPlayerHouseEntrance(playerid); if (id == INVALID_HOUSE_ID) return ERROR("You must stand in house entrance!"); Houses[id][house_price] = price; SaveHouse(id); UpdateHouseLabel(id); new msg[128]; format(MSG, "House %d price set to %s", id, FormatMoney(price)); MESSAGE(msg); return 1; } CMD:setinterior(playerid, params[]) { ADMIN; new interior; if (sscanf(params, "i", interior)) return ERROR("Usage: /SetInterior [interior]"); if (interior < 0 || interior >= MAX_INTERIORS) return ERROR("Wrong interior id! Interior must be lower than "#MAX_INTERIORS); new id = GetPlayerHouseEntrance(playerid); if (id == INVALID_HOUSE_ID) return ERROR("You must stand in house entrance!"); Houses[id][house_interior] = interior; SaveHouse(id); new msg[128]; format(MSG, "House %d interior set to %d", id, interior); MESSAGE(msg); return 1; } CMD:evict(playerid, params[]) { ADMIN; if (!TakeHouseFromPlayer(GetPlayerHouseEntrance(playerid))) return ERROR("Error: make sure you are standing in the entrance of owned house!"); else MESSAGE("Player is evicted from house"); Streamer_Update(playerid); return 1; } CMD:givehouse(playerid, params[]) { ADMIN; new pid; if (sscanf(params, "u", pid)) return ERROR("Usage: /GiveHouse [player]"); if (pid == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) return ERROR("Invalid Player ID"); if (!GiveHouseToPlayer(pid, GetPlayerHouseEntrance(playerid))) return ERROR("Error: make sure you are standing in the entrance of unowned house!"); else { new msg[128]; format(MSG, "House given to %s", PlayerName(pid)); MESSAGE(msg); } Streamer_Update(playerid); return 1; } stock PlayerName(playerid) { new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, name, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); return name; } stock FormatMoney(Float:amount, delimiter[2]=",") { #define MAX_MONEY_STRING 16 new txt[MAX_MONEY_STRING]; format(txt, MAX_MONEY_STRING, "$%d", floatround(amount)); new l = strlen(txt); if (amount < 0) // - { if (l > 5) strins(txt, delimiter, l-3); if (l > 8) strins(txt, delimiter, l-6); if (l > 11) strins(txt, delimiter, l-9); } else { if (l > 4) strins(txt, delimiter, l-3); if (l > 7) strins(txt, delimiter, l-6); if (l > 10) strins(txt, delimiter, l-9); } return txt; }
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `houses` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `X` float NOT NULL, `Y` float NOT NULL, `Z` float NOT NULL, `r` float NOT NULL, `interior` smallint(6) NOT NULL, `Slots` int(11) NOT NULL, `owner` char(25) NOT NULL, `Price` int(11) NOT NULL, `Locked` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=3 ;