Needing A Bit Of Help!

EDIT: This topic is no longer needed, I am now hosting my server on ServerFFS, but thanks for your concern!

Is there anyone prepared to host my server? If it is possible 24 hours!! My server is a pilot & trucking server and it is in development and I need a co-owner, so if you host it, you will be co-owner, you will get highest possible admin level, both on forums and on the server. Also you will help make decisions and you will get all possible advantages on the server.

Please PM me if you are interested!

Thanks for your help

The problem is, that most people, with a fast enough upload speed, to host a server (whether it's on a server or PC, doesn't matter), don't really need a high admin level on a server that's in development. If you need help testing it, I can help (and even provide a very very weak host (enough for ~5 people?)), but I doubt that's what you want.
If you want to host the server 24/7, but don't need too many slots for now, you could try getting a very cheap host. (E.g:10 slots, by serverFFS would cost around 3 or 4 dollars (I guess) per month. KingJ is 0.15 pounds per slot (with a min of 4 slots). No idea how they compare to other hosts, though.)
It may not be free, and it's cheap. You could earn earn that with a single person donating 5 bucks every month.
It'll lag less than a homehost, too.

My advice may be not the best available, but I tried

Thanks dude
Im gonna try out serverffs

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