[Map] My work! (1st map)


This is my Construction work in Ganton, it took around 10-15 minutes to create, please try it out.

There are 37 objects..
Here they are! \/\/

CreateObject(2932, 2471.2473144531, -1671.9261474609, 13.778721809387, 0, 0, 12);
CreateObject(2669, 2472.17578125, -1670.1126708984, 13.661154747009, 0, 0, 102);
CreateObject(2678, 2474.9577636719, -1670.2833251953, 13.527732849121, 0, 0, 102);
CreateObject(2679, 2474.6984863281, -1668.7751464844, 13.544776916504, 0, 0, 102);
CreateObject(16328, 2470.6608886719, -1664.3708496094, 12.314916610718, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(8877, 2460.435546875, -1671.1177978516, 18.592596054077, 0, 0, 178);
CreateObject(1228, 2447.5339355469, -1662.6209716797, 12.72581577301, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1228, 2447.4853515625, -1659.8897705078, 12.72581577301, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1315, 2444.6228027344, -1661.220703125, 15.573767662048, 0, 0, 270);
CreateObject(1238, 2448.4318847656, -1659.1009521484, 12.622867584229, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1238, 2462.716796875, -1659.3483886719, 12.622867584229, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1238, 2462.5378417969, -1664.1662597656, 12.786732673645, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1228, 2463.302734375, -1660.3564453125, 12.72581577301, 0, 0, 358);
CreateObject(1228, 2463.2712402344, -1662.7032470703, 12.72581577301, 0, 0, 358);
CreateObject(1462, 2468.8371582031, -1670.3247070313, 12.484174728394, 0, 0, 280);
CreateObject(984, 2455.6103515625, -1659.1168212891, 12.941367149353, 0, 0, 270);
CreateObject(984, 2456.0219726563, -1663.6003417969, 12.941367149353, 0, 0, 270);
CreateObject(1238, 2448.5698242188, -1663.5816650391, 12.622867584229, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1238, 2447.6967773438, -1661.2216796875, 12.622867584229, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1238, 2462.9807128906, -1661.4660644531, 12.622867584229, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(996, 2466.1430664063, -1659.4340820313, 13.022450447083, 0, 0, 352);
CreateObject(996, 2473.8942871094, -1679.1276855469, 13.085022926331, 0, 0, 49.997436523438);
CreateObject(996, 2480.8996582031, -1668.5620117188, 13.085589408875, 0, 0, 109.99282836914);
CreateObject(1237, 2477.7998046875, -1661.4166259766, 12.34375, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1237, 2474.2707519531, -1660.5378417969, 12.34375, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1237, 2478.8205566406, -1672.9880371094, 12.33864402771, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1237, 2480.8039550781, -1669.5720214844, 12.341549873352, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1228, 2479.859375, -1671.2697753906, 12.760280609131, 0, 0, 326);
CreateObject(1228, 2476.1887207031, -1660.8521728516, 12.76487827301, 0, 0, 251.99731445313);
CreateObject(997, 2462.50390625, -1664.8997802734, 12.470701217651, 0, 0, 280);
CreateObject(1238, 2463.2001953125, -1668.5306396484, 12.799521446228, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(997, 2472.7934570313, -1680.4761962891, 12.379474639893, 0, 0, 225.99755859375);
CreateObject(1237, 2472.9943847656, -1680.0014648438, 12.362903594971, 0, 0, 0);


Great for your first map!

Thank-you very much

Listen, im a good person so i'm gonna give you a 'head's up'(for other players)

do NOT get involved in ANY business with so called getty154, he is a THIEF, currently running on my stolen server, which he CAN't have more than a month, since i won't pay it.

You can thank me later

DukeNukem, can you proove it? ^^
Whatever, it's funny xD

Listen DukeNukem, i have my own paid for server.. On volt-host! Okay?! So fuck off, and go back to your little hole you call a home! :@

Then return mine you lousy excuse for a human!

Nice work for 1 try

good work i'l try it out!

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