Can't connect modes

Hi all. I need some help to connect 2 tutorials in one system.

I took house system ( and made business based on this system.
Next i took earn system (public Payouttimer) from this tutorial ( but i have some issue.
I add line (SetPVarInt(playerid, "Businessearnings" , GetPVarInt(playerid, "Businessearnings") + BusinessInfo[buss][BusEarn]) in my command buy and sell business
Now i have add payout earn to saved business in
	if(strlen(dini_Get("Business.ini", Filename)))
    	format(BusInfo[ID][BusOwner], 24, "%s", dini_Get("Business.ini", Filename));
    	BusInfo[ID][Owned] = 1;
        BusInfo[ID][Icon] = SetPlayerMapIconEx(Pickupx, Pickupy, Pickupz, 36, 1);
After this I add lines to get the playerid and pass it Payouttimer
        for(new i = 0; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
      					new playername2[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
      					GetPlayerName(i, playername2, sizeof(playername2));
      					if(strcmp(playername2, BusInfo[ID][BusOwner], true, strlen(BusInfo[ID][BusOwner])) == 0)
        						return i;
		SetPVarInt(BusInfo[ID][BusOwner], "Businessearnings" , GetPVarInt(BusInfo[ID][BusOwner], "Businessearnings") + BusInfo[ID][BusEarn]);
but this is no work. Can anyone help me how to get the playerid and pass it to Payouttimer to make it work.
Sorry for my bad english.

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