Format warning?

Yah hallo guys.
I hate warnings so that's why I'm askin for help nauw.

// Warning is on the format line
new wstring[256];
format(wstring, sizeof(wstring), "[General:] Name: %s - Health: %.1f - Cash: $%d - Score: %d",PlayerName(targetid),GetPlayerHealth(targetid),GetPlayerMoneyEx(targetid),PlayerInfo[targetid][pScore]);
C:\Users\something.pwn(1134) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition

Firstly, I don't recommend you using 256 string size.

Its the gPH(ealth) that is causing the problem.

GetPlayerHealth ( playerid, &Float:Health );

No, i'll shorten the stringsize down abit. It was just raised to to test if I got rid of the warning.
But thanks for your help. Problem solved!

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