[FilterScript] Proximity Mines & Moneybags

This is something totally new i have come up with would be a worthy addition to any TDM server.

it basically works like this, if you set a proxy mine with /spm when a player goes too close to the mine it explodes

same with the money bags which i added just for fun, gets em every time! "ooo look a big bag of money!....BOOM"

commands can be found in-game with /proxyhelp

they are:

Proximity Mines
/spm to set a Proximity Mine
/dcpm to delete the Proximity Mine closest to you
/dapm to delete all Proximity Mines created on the server

Proximity Money Bags
/smb to set a Proximity Money Bag
/dcmb to delete the Proximity Money Bag closest to you
/damb to delete all Proximity Money Bags created on the server
/proxycredits for credits

a very short demo video...

Non-Streamed Version
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/7Jf1J8uW

Totally Streamed Version - proudly using Fallouts object streamer(NO BUGS)
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/QbdANdKZ

please comment, and suggestions are welcome too

Wow nice script man, i really want to test it on my server

Good job

thanks guys, very much appreciated...
you can use it on your server its totally upto you, you also may edit but you must keeps the original credits.

just put up the streamed version of the script hope you enjoy.

nice killa xD

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