[HELP]Tele for only specific people?

Hello guys
I've tried an failed so many times but can someone help me with making a tele for a certain group of people?
And a CMD that helps add people to that list?

For example
I have a group of people that has:
Star wars
and i Want it so only them three can use /teletowhatever

Can someone show me and example please, i've been trying all day

You could simply store their IDs in an array and check if the ID matches, if so, make it happen:
pawn Код:
// Near the top of the script
new gCanUse[ MAX_PLAYERS ];

// In OnPlayerCommandText
new cmd[ 256 ], tmp [ 256 ], idx;
cmd = strtok( cmdtext, idx );

// The "Add" command
if( !strcmp( cmd, "/add", true ) )
   if(!strlen(tmp)) return SendClientMessage( playerid, 0x00FF00FF, "Usage: /add <id>" );
   if(!IsPlayerConnected(strval(tmp))) return SendClientMessage( playerid, 0x00FF00FF, "Invalid ID");
   gCanUse[ strval(tmp) ] = 1;
   SendClientMessage( playerid, 0x00FF00FF, "Player added");
   SendClientMessage( strval(tmp), 0x00FF00FF, "You can now use the command" );
   return 1;
// The command you need special permission to use
if( !strcmp(cmdtext, "/mycommand", true ) )
   if( gCanUse[ playerid ] == 0 ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, 0x00FF00FF, "Error: You cannot use this command." );
    // Do the rest of the command here
   return 1;

// Under OnPlayerDisconnect
gCanUse[ playerid ] = 0;
This is a short and quick written example, hopefully you can understand and implement it into your script. Also, I do not usually recommend the strtok + strcmp method of doing commands, but it was the fastest I could type up. You may want to later change that into Zcmd, since it's the fastest command processor.

what about multiple groups?

Then it would get more complicated - Storing the player's group into a separate array along with the people in the group - Then check in the command if the group is like that of which I provided.

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