Help with CONVERT

Please, anyone to convert this GM. I Am noob in a Scripting but I now learn. When I convert, give me this erorr - fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "Y_Objects". I don't know what I must to do to convert this GM.

Please, HELP ME...

Do u have Y_Objects? Download it and put it in your pawno, directory IN THE INCLUDES folder.

I have Y_Objects in include in pawno directory.

I Download new Y_Objects. Don't give me this erorr but now give me this - warning 203: symbol is never used: "Object_OnPlayerDisconnect"

Well that isn't a big issue, it just tells u that the function Object_OnPlayerDisconnect is never used...
pawn Код:
#pragma unused Object_OnPlayerDisconnect
at the top of your code

Yes, It work. 10x of all for help.

I will remove upload pwn file for not copy...!

Originally Posted by Delux13
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Well that isn't a big issue, it just tells u that the function Object_OnPlayerDisconnect is never used...
pawn Код:
#pragma unused Object_OnPlayerDisconnect
at the top of your code
Why do that, you maybe have to put that function on the OnPlayerDisconnect callback, IF I'M RIGHT. :S:S:S:S

Originally Posted by Lorenc_
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Why do that, you maybe have to put that function on the OnPlayerDisconnect callback, IF I'M RIGHT. :S:S:S:S
Yeah, Lorenc_ is right most likely. Remove the "#pragma unused Object_OnPlayerDisconnect" you added, and add the function inside your OnPlayerConnect callback instead. Else something won't work as it should.

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