Problem with textures on my server

Hi all! I've got a problem. When I start my server on my PC and i load eg. stunt gamemode textures on the server don't load. Textures are invisible or transparent like on this screenshot:

Please help. How to fix it?

Originally Posted by P4tR0L
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Hi all! I've got a problem. When I start my server on my PC and i load eg. stunt gamemode textures on the server don't load. Textures are invisible or transparent like on this screenshot:

Please help. How to fix it?
I dont know if you are hosting this yourself or not, but im 99% sure it is an serversided bug and not clientsided. This appears when the object streamer hasnt been updated from 0.3a to 0.3b. If its your own server, try to find a newer version of your object streamer.

Yes, it's my server on my PC. I'm new in this and i don't know what is going about. Can you tell me where to find and "install" this object streamer?

Search 'samp 0.3b streamer'

Try incognitoґs streamer, because its simply the best.


How to install:
First extract all files,

First step:
Make a folder in your server path (if it doesnt already exists) called "plugins" and copy the "streamer.dll" in it.

Second step:
Edit your server.cfg and add at the line called "plugins": streamer
if you dont have a line called plugins, you can add one. It should look like this:
plugins streamer
Third step:
In the downloaded files there should also be a file called "", copy this in your server at the following directory:
Fourth step:
Add in the top of your gamemode the following line:
pawn Код:
#include <streamer>
Now check your objects added in the gamemode, most streamers are using the same command as incognito's one: CreateStaticObject(), if your old streamer uses that command too, just leave it.

Else if your old streamer uses as example F_CreateObject, replace it with CreateStaticObject, and then your done.

Thanks man. I've done this. But now i can't compile gamemode. When i click Compile in Pawno in the console "Error" appears and nothing happens. What should I do?

That happened to me too!
Listen you have to upgrade your plugins,
go download the SAMP 0.3b server , go to the folder of the new 0.3b , enter to the folder pawno and copy the folder called "plugins" then paste it into /yourServerFolder/Pawno there.

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