Help with scripting

Hi, I'm over at my new server in and there's only currently 1 scripter, so we really need help.

We need:

More than one house car (we're currently using the system that lets you place your house spawn anywhere, and then you get your car and have to /buy housecar ) I'd much rather have the system where your vehicles don't have much with your house and you can do these commands: /v get [1-5] /v setpark /v park etc etc

Also, i'm looking for a super bunny hop for admins on BMX's, i really want that script, thanks.

Also, Bunny hop in cars, only for admins.

Also, there's a script i saw a very long time a go, i think you'd hotkey the command: You spawn a miniramp like 10 metres infront of you for 5 seconds, then is dissapears automatically, this would also only be for admins, for having fun.

The main one here that I need is the car one, if you know how to do this, or maybe think you can change, PM me, or reply please.

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