city locations spawn. help needed

when i start up server and join, u can ch0ose what city u start in but i would like it t0o only b los venturas, ive try'd to change it but im really not shure what to d0 as im farley new at scripting,
and im prob not the best at explaining.

il send link to whom ever is willing to help me through pastbin

THANKS and please send some feed back i would like to learn from my huge mistakes

I think if you edit this:
SetPlayerPos(playerid, RandomSpawn[rand][0], RandomSpawn[rand][1],RandomSpawn[rand][2]);
and make it to the coord you want it to be it would make them respawn in one spot after death, im not sure since im also new to scripting but i started a new pawn file so yours looks all filled up so sorry if I didnt help. Btw edit the bolded parts ^-^. Good luck

Please understand that this is not your script, but a edited version of Grand Larceny.

To answer your question, you would need to completely re-write the city selection system implemented into the script or remove it all together. You would actually be better off removing it, that way it goes straight to class selection since you only want one city to be choose-able.

gota start some where.
nd thanks but i may start again now =]

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