Creating a mask system?

Hello, I need to figure out how to create a mask system.
For example, You got to a 24/7 and buy a mask.
You can type /mask and you put on a mask, But if you just do /mask it will say 'SYNTAX: /mask [mask] [Bandana] [Glasses]'
If you type /mask mask it will say 'Masked: Mask ((RANDOM ID))
Same with /mask Bandana except instead of Mask it will say Bandana 'Masked: Bandana ((RANDOM ID))
Example on how it would show in game: Masked: Mask ((192))
And so on with the same things.

Note: When you put on a /mask it replaces your name with the mask.

This is in the GodFather or some relatded scripts. Just look in there since all new rp's use either godfather edit scripts or GodFather features.

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