Automatic Command Gates

How to i make multiple automatic gates that will open by command and close automatically like this?

public EL3DOWN()
	MoveObject(EL3,1573.691,-1685.959,28.746, 3.5);//Embaixo
	MoveObject(EL3,1573.717,-1685.977,41.382, 3.5);//Encima
	return 1;
I've tried it this way.. Only problem, i dont know which is open and which is close

I've searched, i only found IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint which does one gate.
I have 5 gates i want to do "Closed" and "Open".
I know how to do it via command so /close and /open but i want it automatically this time

Create a Var for Get Gate Open or Close,

VarGates = 0; // 0 Close - 1 Open

In OnPlayerUpdate:

if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 10.0, X, -Y, Z))
if(VarGates == 0)
if(VarGates == 1)

public GatesOpen()
MoveObject // Gate1 Open
MoveObject // Gate2 Open
return 1;

public GatesClose()
MoveObject // Gate1 Close
MoveObject // Gate2 Close
return 1;

Use the Timer for destroy Flood on MoveObject

I want to do the command way.
I type the command then it opens the gate, starts the timer, and uses the "public" to close the gates
But, when i tried it i kept getting a load of errors

Ahn, in you /Command Insert this:
SetTimer("CloseGates", 5000, 0);

Out of Comand this:
forward GatesClose();
public GatesClose()
MoveObject / /
MoveObject / /
return 1;

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