How can i start scripting a plugin?

I have downloaded the

samp .2 plugin sdk

and i have a visual C# editor,

now i have my files from the sdk on my desktop because i have not the brightest idea as to where they go.

so, how do i setup the plugin SDK?

Wrong Section - Here it the correct section

Originally Posted by -Luis
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It has nothing to do with SA-MP scripting.

CSMajor: read this:

But he is asking for support for the SDK, he isn't asking something about C or C++ programming (yet). So I don't see a problem here.

@CSMajor: Isn't there a readme in the SDK? Iam sure there is.
Here ( you can find a thread, where a user had the same question. On page 2 I posted a package containing everything you need for beginning.
Moreover, read the source of existing plugins. But before, learn the language C or C++:

Your C# visual editor won't help, download Visual Studio for C++:
The express edition is for free. You can open the project file in the SDK with this and start programming.
You can also use another IDE with another compiler but I don't recommend it to a beginner.

i can script in the C Language, just needed to be pointed in the right direction.

You need to acquire the SA-MP 0.2 Plugin SDK

Originally Posted by TheInnocentOne
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You need to acquire the SA-MP 0.2 Plugin SDK
read his post. he has it already.

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