21.10.2010, 15:25
Last edited by Kwarde; 23/06/2013 at 08:09 PM.
Ultimate Ingame Editor
[23/06/2013] Project cancelled quite along ago; lost files too. If you somehow have the files, please send it to me! rpdsamp.nl is down aswell for a looong time
Hi everyone!
I've made an 'Ingame Editor'. It's not a editor actually, but it sounds better. With this script you can:
- Save positions into a file
- Add Pickups (saved in a file)
and more (more info below)
It can be very handy.
Example 1: Pickup Creator + Teleport Command Creator
Screens lost
Screen 1: "/uiepickup 3" command: Create a info icon (it save's into a file) + "/uieteleport" (1st time): Give first pos of the teleport
Screen 2: "/uieteleport" (2nd time): Give the pos where to go
Screen 3: "/uieteleport" (3rd time): Confirm that you have what you want. Make the command
Screen 4: The output
With this, you could make something like this:
More examples will come later
Current version: v1.3
The commands are for RCON admins only
The commands
/uievec (params: MODEL ID & FILENAME)
/uiesavevec (params: FILENAME)
/uiesavepos (params: 0/1 & FILENAME)
/uiepickup (params: 01/2/3 & FILENAME)
/uieteleport (params: FILENAME)
/uierteleport (params: none)
Commands info
-> Spawns a vehicle (you can spawn one vehicle at once!)
-> Save a vehicle when you're in it! (No need to give a vehicleid)
-> Save's a players position
->-> 0: Only save the X, Y, Z, A position
->-> 1: Save's a whole code (SetPlayerPos, SetPlayerFacingAngle)
-> Add a pickup command into a file
->-> 0: Create a normal pickup code. You need to edit it yourself (PickupModel & PickupType)
->-> 1: Create a Armour Pickup
->-> 2: Create a Health Pickup
->-> 3: Create a Info Icon Pickup
-> Make's a teleport command. Information:
->-> First time when you use it, you need to be at the place you need to be when you use the command
->-> Second time when you use the cmd, you need to be at the place where you want to be teleported
->-> Third time when you use it, it's just a confirmation to save the command
-> Reset everything for /uieteleport - If you made a mistake
ALL THE SAVE COMMANDS: Choose your own filename
Download the scriptfiles,pawno include and the filterscripts (pwn+amx) here: Download
URL down, lost files too
This file includes:
- changelog (changelog.txt) = CHANGELOG of this script
- UIE.pwn (filterscripts/UIE.pwn) = The PWN script
- UIE.amx (filterscripts/UIE.amx) = The AMX script (you need to run)
- dcmd.inc (pawno/include/dcmd.inc) = Include you need
- Scriptfiles (scriptfiles/UIE) = Here will all the positions saved etc)
Known bugs
None, please report them here
Upcoming Features
-> Every new positions a new file (You can give it a name by yourself) - ADDED (choose your own filename)
-> More advanced commands (more parameters etc) - CANCELED
Enjoy the script
Kind Regards,
Kevin aka Kwarde
[23/06/2013] Project cancelled quite along ago; lost files too. If you somehow have the files, please send it to me! rpdsamp.nl is down aswell for a looong time
Hi everyone!
I've made an 'Ingame Editor'. It's not a editor actually, but it sounds better. With this script you can:
- Save positions into a file
- Add Pickups (saved in a file)
and more (more info below)
It can be very handy.
Example 1: Pickup Creator + Teleport Command Creator
Screens lost
Screen 1: "/uiepickup 3" command: Create a info icon (it save's into a file) + "/uieteleport" (1st time): Give first pos of the teleport
Screen 2: "/uieteleport" (2nd time): Give the pos where to go
Screen 3: "/uieteleport" (3rd time): Confirm that you have what you want. Make the command
Screen 4: The output
With this, you could make something like this:
pawn Code:
#include <a_samp>
new infopickup;
public OnFilterScriptInit()
infopickup = CreatePickup(1239, 19, 2514.086181, -1691.287597, 14.046038, 0);
return 1;
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/tele", true)){
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 2, 2514.027832, -1691.184082, 14.046038)){
SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1544.528686, -1354.707885, 329.471923);
SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 345.574218);
return 0;
public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
if(pickupid == infopickup)
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~y~Use ~r~/tele~y~ to go to the tower", 4000, 3);
return 1;
return 0;
Current version: v1.3
The commands are for RCON admins only
The commands
/uievec (params: MODEL ID & FILENAME)
/uiesavevec (params: FILENAME)
/uiesavepos (params: 0/1 & FILENAME)
/uiepickup (params: 01/2/3 & FILENAME)
/uieteleport (params: FILENAME)
/uierteleport (params: none)
Commands info
-> Spawns a vehicle (you can spawn one vehicle at once!)
-> Save a vehicle when you're in it! (No need to give a vehicleid)
-> Save's a players position
->-> 0: Only save the X, Y, Z, A position
->-> 1: Save's a whole code (SetPlayerPos, SetPlayerFacingAngle)
-> Add a pickup command into a file
->-> 0: Create a normal pickup code. You need to edit it yourself (PickupModel & PickupType)
->-> 1: Create a Armour Pickup
->-> 2: Create a Health Pickup
->-> 3: Create a Info Icon Pickup
-> Make's a teleport command. Information:
->-> First time when you use it, you need to be at the place you need to be when you use the command
->-> Second time when you use the cmd, you need to be at the place where you want to be teleported
->-> Third time when you use it, it's just a confirmation to save the command
-> Reset everything for /uieteleport - If you made a mistake
ALL THE SAVE COMMANDS: Choose your own filename
Download the scriptfiles,pawno include and the filterscripts (pwn+amx) here: Download
URL down, lost files too
This file includes:
- changelog (changelog.txt) = CHANGELOG of this script
- UIE.pwn (filterscripts/UIE.pwn) = The PWN script
- UIE.amx (filterscripts/UIE.amx) = The AMX script (you need to run)
- dcmd.inc (pawno/include/dcmd.inc) = Include you need
- Scriptfiles (scriptfiles/UIE) = Here will all the positions saved etc)
Known bugs
None, please report them here

Upcoming Features
-> Every new positions a new file (You can give it a name by yourself) - ADDED (choose your own filename)
-> More advanced commands (more parameters etc) - CANCELED
Enjoy the script

Kind Regards,
Kevin aka Kwarde