Well, Runtime error: 19...

hi all,

This question will make you think hard. Because i tried all of the ways and couldn't fix the problem. My server is running in a vps, and i can't run my gm there (says that they have failed). It says that "Runtime error:19"... It can't load plugins, too. Here is my server.cfg file:

echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode on
rcon_password blablabla
maxplayers 30
port 7777
hostname bla bla server
gamemode0 dmgm
plugins streamer audio
announce 1
query 1
weburl www.dassad.com
mapname blabla
maxnpc 0
onfoot_rate 30
incar_rate 30
weapon_rate 30
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000

(i set it as example, its in the same format with my server.cfg, only added "bla" 's for them)
NOTE: I have .NET Frame Network 3.5 and have main{} and put plugin names into server.cfg.
NOTE 2: Plugins and GM works on my own pc, but it doesn't on that vps( vps has xp 2003 ).

I need help pls

You don't need 'lanmode' on, as it's just not necessary. You need "gamemode 0 dmgm 1", look at the server_readme for more details on that. Make sure you have "filterscripts" in there, just leave it blank. Also make sure you have a plugins directory with the necessary plugins in it.

Question: What does "gamemode0 blabla 1" >> "1" used there for?

==> Plugins has directed correctly. I'm using windows sp2 (in vps), and if you give me a link to download framework 3.5 for sp2 xp, ill be happy.

==> I use no filterscripts.

==> Lanmode has been deleted, still no effect.

Thanks for your reply, any more ideas?

I didn't say to remove anything, because frankly if you aren't using something leave it blank.

echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password changeme
maxplayers 30
port 7777
hostname !!!! changeme !!!!
gamemode0 dmgm 1
plugins streamer audio
announce 1
query 1
weburl www.dassad.com
maxnpc 0
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
Change the server name and RCON password, then try running the server. If you still have issues, make sure you have all of the files in the correct position for the "audio plugin" to work. Then try starting the server again. If that doesn't work, refer to the "server support" board.

Btw, i just tried it with "lvdm", it has worked succesfully. What can be wrong with my own GM?

(My GM works quite cool on my own pc (in win7), but it doesn't on vps)

Originally Posted by RoCK'N'Rolla
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Btw, i just tried it with "lvdm", it has worked succesfully. What can be wrong with my own GM?
You probably added a new function and you have not updated your includes or smthing.. try download new samp server package and move everything there

I have the latest .inc's from R2.

Well i had the same prob and i moved everything and it worked. You have nothing to lose if you try it

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