No Name Without Passport/ID

How could i do something like
"Stranger Says: Hello
"Officer Adam Says: Show me your ID
*Stranger shows the officer his ID*
*Name Unlocked*
"Mike_Ryan May i have my ID back please officer?"
Mike Ryan = Stranger.. His name is see-able in the In Character (Local IC) chat box once his ID is seen
(His name is only see-able to the officer who seen his identification but to everyone else in the server he's seen as Stranger)

I got completely stuck for words when i tried searching, I have no clue what it would be called.
But, if you understand what i'm talking about, please respond here

hide the default name tags and use 3d text labels for individual players.

I don't understand. Wouldnt 3d Text labels make the message pop up above their head?

Just make a variable.when he does /showid make it
pawn Код:
new ID[MAX_PLAYERS] ID[playerid] = 1; and in ur chat like do if(ID[playerid] == 1){
//put your code here to make it show players name.

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