[GameMode] Trotty's Basic Gamemode ( Complete )

First off i am sorry all that i made topic before release

Ok here are the commands

/god, /godoff, /help, /heal, /death, /rules, /pcmds, /ccmds, /bcmds, /armour, /mini

/mini Gives a minigun with 1000 ammo
/bcmds Bike commands
/ccmds Car commands
/pcmds Player on foot commands

The script isnt perfect but it may help n00bie scripters to get into the swing of creating basic gamemmodes then to intermediate gamemodes and then they may be expert

http://www.4shared.com/file/lK9RCOib...IC_SCRIPT.html <<<<<<<<<< DOWNLOAD LINK

http://pastebin.com/ft0Zhtn2 <<<<<<<<< PASTEBIN

pawn Код:
    if (strcmp("/ccmds", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_PINK, "( CAR COMMANDS COMING SOON!)");
    return 1;
    if (strcmp("/bcmds", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_PINK, "( BIKE COMMANDS COMING SOON!)");
    return 1;
Not really complete, but hopefully it will help new scripters get going

You say this is a basic GM? It doesn't even have a registration system! Just a bunch of commands, 3 of them I see haven't been finished - not to mention written horribly...

Originally Posted by Rilehh
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pawn Код:
    if (strcmp("/ccmds", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_PINK, "( CAR COMMANDS COMING SOON!)");
    return 1;
    if (strcmp("/bcmds", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_PINK, "( BIKE COMMANDS COMING SOON!)");
    return 1;
Not really complete, but hopefully it will help new scripters get going
It isnt perfect but thanks

Fail , again!?XD

Half of the FS has AddStaticVehicle and unused Publics...!

Originally Posted by RealCop228
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You say this is a basic GM? It doesn't even have a registration system! Just a bunch of commands, 3 of them I see haven't been finished - not to mention written horribly...
In V 2.0 i will add a registration system.

And i dont want it to be the best basic

i just want it to help the noobie scripters so if you have nothing nice to say dont comment!

Originally Posted by [MG]Trotty
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In V 2.0 i will add a registration system.

And i dont want it to be the best basic

i just want it to help the noobie scripters so if you have nothing nice to say dont comment!
You're not my father so you can't tell me what to do and your comment "if you have nothing nice to say dont comment!" is dumb and shows your immaturity. This is a forum, you will get negative comments no matter what! You "made" something which even the biggest "noobs" could probably do. You're saying "this is supposed to help the noobies" when actually, it does nothing.

I think even my first GM was better-written then this. It really had only simple stuff but still it was simpler. Even it didnt have the registration stuff.

Are you serious ?

Errr.. yeah.... But instead of going "Bah! This sucks", I will try to be a bit more friendly, and useful.

Obviously you are learning PAWN scripting yourself. Is it really that good idea to make your first goal to teach others?
It is nice that you try, but face it - you don't have much to teach, while you yourself are still learning basics.

What I suggest you to do is - keep on with this GM you got here. But instead of doing it in form of "Teaching noobies", do it to learn yourself. Right now you don't really have a lot in your GM. A player who connects wouldn't really have much to do. Start adding something that player could achive. Don't start with a RP GM - you WILL be overwhelmed.
(Basic) DM, on the other hand, is much easier to script, and a lot of fun to play with friends, or anybody.

If you do this in form of learning yourself, instead of teaching, you will also get much better feedback, also. So instead of "Here you go, a basic GM for noobies", do - "Hey, this is the GM I'm trying to develop, help me with ideas, and optimizing, and bugs, and problems".
Trust me, you would be much better of. You would learn much faster. Get better feedback, thus motivating you to continue etc. And most of all, people would not think "Who the f"%# he think he is?! GM for noobies?! Who you callin' noob, you noob!!"

Try it!

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