[Tutorial] How a [MAP] should be released.

Hi,Just writing this thread to have my say on how [MAP]'s should be released.I see alot of poorly released work and un-detailed releases and quite frankly i think this is disappointing,Not only to the person seeing your map subject and clicking on it with thousands of thoughts going though his/her head thinking of how thay can use it,But its also dissapointing after you get these kind of replies

Ahhh What is it? LMAO!


Ahh ok map but i think you should get more experience


First of all i think you shouldnt release something you didnt do or is poorly/quickly mapped,Because no matter how you release it,You will mostly probly get those replies..And you shouldnt just quickly make the thread with a "This is my 1st map...Heres the link...",Noone will click that link unless the subject totally obsorbs them...And its ridiculous..And releasing a map in a FS is not a good idea,Sometimes FS's interfere with GM's.

When someone is looking for a map and happens to click your map,There got basic questions about the map thay will expect to be in the post,And might reply with the question and wait for your reply(This will almost never happen),Most of the time there questions will be exactly the same or on the same lines as them,These would be:

What Is It??
(Sometimes the name doesnt fit the picture)

Where is it??
(Thay need to be able to locate it)

How can i use this map on my server??
(Not everyone that wants a map for there server knows where to put the map code)

Map Code??

(Always post the map code ready to copy/paste into GM with the forum code html
And its just easier then links for you and them)

Any Additional Content??

(If you can make teleports make a teleport for them or make spawn points and give them a STREAMER link also if needed,Not everyone can make these simple things)

(Screenshots is a must,And dont say "Will post some on weekend"...What if you get 500 views? And thay cant even see your map,Hard to imagine with text.)

(Always add credits if someone has helped you map it or you edited a pre-released map,If you dont this will cause bad feedback,You will be seen apon as a Stealer that releases other peoples work,Which is in-fact correct then...right?)

These are the musts,These answer all there questions,Probly even show them how to code teleports etc. and save you from doing the wrong thing and not crediting people,It even shows them the best shots of the map,Because we'd only post good screens xD this gives them a view of how it works and how it looks before thay even use it.

PS.Admin if this is in wrong section please move IDK where to post this style thread and i think this will help some people release better maps with detail and content not just "This my 1st map...Here is link.." uno..

Originally Posted by <Weponz>
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Map Code??
(Always post the map code ready to copy/paste into GM with the forum code html
And its just easier then links for you and them)
Use [pawn-] [/pawn-] instead (without the -)

Wrong section too.

What a horrible guide. Half of this was in unreadable English, then the other half offered advice that defies the forum rules...



SEARCH before you ask anything, most of the questions have been asked before.
No warez (and no-cd cracks, including any of the san andreas game files or leaked content), illegal materials or pornography.
No racism or any other forms of discrimination.
Don't advertise. A link to a site related to the topic is fine, spamming your home page is not. This includes advertising your servers and services. However, you are allowed to put advertisements in your signature or server advertisements.
No SPAM. If you are adding no useful information to a topic, you are spamming.
No double posting. There is a modify button , please use it.
English only (except language specific sections)
Selling scripts or linking to sites that allow people to sell scripts are not allowed.
Don't post huge scripts. Use http://pawn.pastebin.com/ instead.
Scripts or other programmed things released on those forums MUST include all source.
When responding to coding questions make sure your code works first.

And it's even in the wrong section...


Originally Posted by g_aSlice
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Very hard to resist inadvertently exploiting that PHP script.


how to let something move there?

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