i want make my own inc just read

please help me guys i want to make full admin script with commands
#include <IsPlayerLAdmin> i want make my own lets say IsPlayerMAdmin.inc like this only

#include <a_samp>
#include <IsPlayerMAdmin>

Level 1
asay, warn, mute, unmute, giveweapon, spawn, announce, announce2, goto, spec (Off),

Level 2
spawn, announce, announce2, goto, kick, spec, write.

Level 3
setscore, setname, countdown, car, carhealth, carcolour, givecar, gethere, jail, unjail, freeze, unfreeze, akill.

Level 4
god, ban, rban, lockserver, unlockserver, fakedeath.

Level 5
makeadmin, takeadmin, fakechat, msay.

im realy need help

Firstly, you have to learn to make these commands, then you need to learn how to make functions, and lastly but not least; you have to learn how to make an include.
I'm sure the search button will help you alot with your questions, else there are the IRC channel you can visit (irc.sa-mp.com #sa-mp.scripting)

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