29.09.2010, 19:31
hy all i wanna to ask if somebody can script this for me bicose i'm not a pro and i dont know that so plz
here it is can somebody script me this comand /adminduty then in chat will write with red letters <name> is now on admin duty then on my nick will write with green letters on duty admin do not shoot i think this needs to be AddPlayerChatBubble COLOR_GREEN "on duty admin do not shoot" or something like that and when i type /adminduty to set mine nick to this color and minigun weapon id =38 and to set my skin 217
plz good peepole script this for me tnx
here it is can somebody script me this comand /adminduty then in chat will write with red letters <name> is now on admin duty then on my nick will write with green letters on duty admin do not shoot i think this needs to be AddPlayerChatBubble COLOR_GREEN "on duty admin do not shoot" or something like that and when i type /adminduty to set mine nick to this color and minigun weapon id =38 and to set my skin 217
plz good peepole script this for me tnx