[HELP] How to make a signature for SA-MP forums?!

Hello i'm muller,
i'm playing san andreas multiplayer, and i need to know how to make a signature for your forums account ,

example : when you write a THEARD / RE-COMMENT , it's shows the signature down of what you write

please help me i really want to know how

my question is : how to make a signature for SA-MP forums, thank u.

Go to 'User CP' on the top left then press 'Edit Signature' on the left, make a signature and save it. Then make sure to have 'Show your signature' ticked on when replying to a post or topic. If that doesn't show up, go to 'Edit Options' in your user cp and scroll all the way down and choose standard editor for the message editor interface.

Originally Posted by -Sneaky-
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Go to 'User CP' on the top left then press 'Edit Signature' on the left, make a signature and save it. Then make sure to have 'Show your signature' ticked on when replying to a post or topic. If that doesn't show up, go to 'Edit Options' in your user cp and scroll all the way down and choose standard editor for the message editor interface.
this exactly,
or click HERE to get there quicker. If you want to just add text just type it in. If you want to use an image you must upload it to an imagehost (e.g. www.tinypic.com) and paste the direct image url in the sig space provided with [img][/img] tags.

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