NPC bots doesn't connect


I've got a problem and i can't find a solution for it.
My created NPC doesn't want to connect on linux.

- It works on Windows. The script is also correct
- Maxnpc xx is definied in the cfg file
- There are also no register/login conflicts
- All files are in the correct place

So what is the problem?

Kind regards

passworded server?
i think ConnectNPC is right if it worked on windows
public server?

There is no password and the server is public like ever.
In the log file I can see: "Incoming connection:" and nothing more.
OnPlayerConnect isn't also called.


I know how to create/connect NPC's...
You didn't understand me.

My problem is only why they work on Windows and not on Linux.

did u put in server.cfg

maxnpc 10

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are u joking??

Originally Posted by [DFE]Ike
- Maxnpc xx is on the cfg file
Ya, maxnpc 10 is already in the cfg file and the NPC's don't wan't to connect...

i assume you already checked your filterscripts not to return 1; in the OnPlayerConnect, your windows version is working. so its the case sensitivity maybe.
if you named your file "NPC_Dealer_LV_1.rec" on windows, the linux wont load it when you load the npc via "npc_dealer_lv_1", it will fail. use the SAME quotation in script AND files always, this will safe you a lot of trouble..

My fleet is CentOS (Linux), and Ubuntu Servers (Linux) and all my customers and myself are having no problems with NPC.

Do you have the proper CHMODs and CHOWN ?

Originally Posted by Babul
i assume you already checked your filterscripts not to return 1; in the OnPlayerConnect, your windows version is working. so its the case sensitivity maybe.
if you named your file "NPC_Dealer_LV_1.rec" on windows, the linux wont load it when you load the npc via "npc_dealer_lv_1", it will fail. use the SAME quotation in script AND files always, this will safe you a lot of trouble..
I know but all files are correct and no NPC can connect...
Originally Posted by Memoryz
Do you have the proper CHMODs and CHOWN ?
Just a gameserver...
But the server has all permissions to the files.

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