Problem with pickups

Well i was testing pickups, its my firs time, so i placed an armor pickup just to test, then later i modified the code of that pickup and turned into a i have a door and an armor flying there...and then modified it to turn it into "none" but no..the door and the armor is still there (2 icons with only 1 code wtf....) So i tried removing the whole script from the server.cfg the icons are not working but still there..but no one else can see them. So i suposse there is a config file or something ? or what did i miss? how do i delete that? i jut want an invisible pickup to use as teleporter....

The teleport script works ok, is placed inside a house...the problem is that i cant remove the armor and door from my screen (others can use the teleport but cant see the armor and door)

Upload script to pastebin please

If you have mods, than that could be probem, but first copy script here.

new micasita_pickup; // Create a variable to store the pickup ID in

public OnGameModeInit()
micasita_pickup = CreatePickup(1489, 1,225.6208,1022.7189,1084.0140, -1);
return 1;

public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
if(pickupid == micasita_pickup) SetPlayerPos(playerid,1093.8812,-806.6689,107.4192);

SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
return 1;

This is just the stuff i used...the another things are like default...if i just disable this script to be loaded i still see the armor and flying spining door...that what i dont get...its not a script error, maybe the pickups are saved in another file? and why im the only one who can see it?

I havent mods

If you "create" a map icon, and then "remove" the script without restarting, then the map icon will still be in game, seeing as you "created" it earlier.

A simple restart should do the trick

(RCON: In-Game: /rcon gmx) - Make sure you log in first!

It worked thanks =D

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