
Im getting a Warning on this

new expamount = nxtlevel*levelexp;
C:\Users\RЖV\Documents\Mine mottatte filer\penls.pwn(38542) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "expamount"

This means that you do not use the variable yet. If you add for example printf("Exp: %d", expamount) after this, the variable is used and the warning disappears.
But in most cases you can just ignore warnings.

Its fine, its just a warning...telling you that you created this variable called "expamount" but you never used it in the script...

once you use "expamount" somewhere, the warning will go...

REMEMBER: "warnings" do not effect the script compileing, it just "warns" you....

"errors" stop the script from compileing...

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