GetPlayerCameraUpVector lost?

Now there's only one camera function? why... I for example could use UpVector as far as i remember it!

This function was removed, right reason dont know, I just have heard because its useless and something with memory.

Nice. It was so "useless" as as most of stuff removed. Now I'll get some giant problems of making script with camera detection and i think most others of camera scripts were connected with it. Bye cool feature. What will we lose next, hydra and nrg maybe because they're too fast...

I believe you can use GetPlayerFrontVector then find the up (perpendicular) vector using dot products, I can't remember how this is done. Maybe the up vector was being sent over network and was removed to save bandwidth since we can calculate it ourselves. The front vector is usually used more than the up vector, one is just a rotated version of the other if I've understood the function correctly.

Ok i mapped most of it out now. Much more has to be done >.< .

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