Internet Crashes/Lags out every few minutes Help QQ

As said in the title, I think it has to do with my wireless connection or some pc settings...

If anyone knows anything about networking and what this might be, tell me any more info you might need...

Utorrent. Utorrent uses alot of connections. Home routers usually allows you to use about 512 connections, so.. if you are at the limit, network may be very, very slow.

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I limited my utorrent connection limit to 384.

Don't have a torrent program...

Any other ideas...?


Well thats happened to me twice.

Q:Why its happened to me?

Q:What viruses?
A:Well idk

Q:How i can be sure its viruses?
A:Use your internet on some other PC/LAPTOP (if its normal its viruses)

Q:Any help?

Its not a virus, I know that for sure...

I am almost positive its not something that would be fixed from reinstalling my OS

Internet does work on other computers, but i think it has something to do with my wireless card and the router...

In other words, it'll disconnect from an SA:MP server or stop loading a webpage (if one was loading) every few minutes? If so, then that's my exact problem, which I still have.

Call your ISP and talk to them, telling them to come fix it. (My parents won't allow them to come out, so I'm shit out of luck still )

I don't think its my isp though, a direct connection to the modem works fine, but the wireless between my laptop and router messes up...

Originally Posted by marharth
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I don't think its my isp though, a direct connection to the modem works fine, but the wireless between my laptop and router messes up...
Have you tried updating your wireless drivers?

Pretty sure my wireless drivers are fully updated, not sure if they are, anyway I can check?

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