Server not showing up in Internet list. why?

Hi all! Can anyone help me to get my server on internet list? I have announce on 1, query on 1, but it stilll doesnt show in internet list. I have forwarded my routher and my friends can join, but nobody else cuz they cant seee it on masterlist. Please someone help me!

Thanks to everyone that answer me!

whats your IP?

Thats not what i need help for :P I just wondering why my server not showing up on internet list and not on typefish when i have query 1 announce 1, lan 0

Well, I guess there was a bug with master list after yesterday's downtime.

My server also wasn't appearing in internet and hosted list. But now it is fine, try checking internet list again.

1st : Check server.cfg for the next things :

lanmode [ make sure it's on 0 ]
annouce [ make sure it's on 1 ]

May be the firewall, and if you got windows XP you might have to forward the ports in your controlpanel also. Or just shut your firewall down but that's stupid.

Hey again, thanks for alot answers. But i havent fixed it yet, I'm using Windows 7. And my lanmode is 0 announce is 1. i will post my server.cfg:

echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
maxplayers 20
port 7786
hostname [ENG] Real Life Roleplay 0.3b
gamemode0 larp 1
filterscripts TowCars Votekick caars anticrash
plugins streamer
announce 1
query 1
maxnpc 99
onfoot_rate 30
incar_rate 30
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000

Hope someone can find a solution for it

Contrary to popular belief, lanmode doesn't affect the server's ability to ping the master list - it's actually to enable the server to send more data. I suppose it's kinda outdated now you have the individual configuration options.

What version are you checking it with? Remember that 0.3.1 is the one you should be checking it with.

i tried it, and its still offline from internet list. I use 0.3b samp is that right?
EDIT: My server just popped up in server list now.. Weird xD

EDIT: Now my server is not in internet list, wtf?

Any1 know why?

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