Defending a Server from a random moron

Hello, i would like to tell what happened yesterday...

I banned a random moron from my server and then he had a bot program (or something) that program makes get inside the server 1 bot, and at same time a lots of invisible bots with random IP, if u kick or bain the first bot the another will replace it (all of them with same name).
I tried using option to instant kick ppl with that name and it worked but still says maxplayer reached and dont let ppl enter (unless i restart and we all quickly enters the game).

Soo this guy just opens the program and automatically will do that until he closes it.

I just changed the server port and that program wont affect me anymore...I also denoted the bot stops every some seconds and i can see repeated IPs maybe like 50 ip's. When i check my server with samp.exe i dont see any ppl but still says server full

1) It is there any way to add a password to enter to the server?
2) If i bann every bot's ip will that stop?

Is this a possible solution??

Since bot's IPs does not changes at all, adding a command to instant bann persons with certan name...
This bot had an insult in the name, so as an example i write a command to instantly bann ppl with that name, so will the bot stop? ir it also creates random names and more ips when banned?
(I ask just because i dont know yet how hacks like that would react)

Another problem:
There are some ppl who uses hacks and when i try to bann them the server crashes. To solve this i had to add his ip manually into the server.ban. It is there any way to fix this?

Have you tried taking the bot ip and adding into the banlist? For the people who hack try using rcon ban, never failed me xD

Ban the IP, and / or contact your host (if you have one) to ban them from their system aswell.

Originally Posted by iLinx
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Ban the IP, and / or contact your host (if you have one) to ban them from their system aswell.
Yeah these are the basic steps, but you should do a ranged ban (HINT)


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Thansk for anwering..

As i said before, i banned that moron (the real ip) but later he come back with bots that uses randoms its like per second 50 bots gets into the room and disconnects at same time, lesser than a second. If i read the console the incoming connection messages goes super fast, but it stops for a few seconds sometimes.

Normal bans does not seems to be the answer cuz bots changes their ip in stantly

I think ranged ban its a great idea, but i have no clue how to do it, do you have any link for a tutorial or something? that would be really useful

For example there are 10 bots with IP's:

use /rcon ban 155.142.13.* and all IP's starting with 155.142.13 will be banned. Also you can do 155.142.*.* or 155.*.*.* and so on.

Thanks but the problem is that the IPS were different D=....nothing similar....

I think ranged ban is to ban they MAC adress from the modem, or something...I played second life and they do that so if u get ranged banned even if u use ip changers or anything u cant connect again cuz it blocks your modem serial number or something (I DONT KNOW, but thats what someone told me about it) Thanks

Another problem is that the bots are not in the player list, as an example im in the game...and i only see 1 bot, but the anothers are invisible...Even if i use the option to auto kick players with that name then im alone in the server, but if i check the server console i see flood in the incoming connections, and i dont see anyone else when i check with samp, also no one can connect, it is there any program to make that bot thing to crash or something? so it will close and stop doing that?

I could easily change the port and it will stop but... Im sure some day they will make a program to auto detect ports...

you said they have the same name, under OnPlayerConnect compare their name to the name they use and ban them if its a match

I did and they did not connected anymore, but those bots was still sending "incomming connection (random ip number)" and even when they were not into the server no one was able to connect...Im wondering if there is anything i could do with the real player reboot his computer or something...Because i still have his real ip

You can't do jack with his IP, believe me even if you could, you personally with the experience that im seeing in this thread, you wouldn't get far.

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