Originally Posted by mrcoolballs
okay so im alloud to have 254 objects in my gamemode and then if I want more I have to use an object streamer?
As of SA:MP 0.3b, you can have up to 400 objects -- 0.3a only 254.
And yes, if you have more then 254 objects in 0.3a, without a streamer, you will crash when you spawn (No arguments there).
If you have 0.3b, and you have more then 400 objects, you will crash on spawn as well. (No Arg's).
I recommend you using Incognito's streamer; the plugin (v2.5) streams not only objects, but map icons, 3D Textdraws, pickups, and more (Read more for more info).
The plugin streams EXTREMELY fast, with low use of CPU (thanks to the grid system).
(Incognito's Streamer Plugin)