pick up icon

ok guys can some one tell me how to create pickup (green house) and when i will enter in it to write (/enterh to enter in the house) and to enter in the house... sorry for bed english...
Please help !

Well, first you need a /enter command, like this one:

pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmd, "/enter", true) == 0)
            if(PlayerToPoint(3.0,playerid, 1552.8628,-1675.5975,16.1953)) //Change this coordinates to your exterior door to the house
                SetPlayerPos(playerid, 246.7840,63.9005,1003.6406); //Change this coordinates to your interior door to the house
                SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 0.0000); //Also change the facing angle if you want
                SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 6); //Change the interior ID
        return 1;
Just change the coordinates to the house exterior door and the interior ID.

ok and
I need /enterh command and when ill tupe that in that pick up to teleport the player in the house

Originally Posted by [Lsrcr]Rafa
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ok and
I need /enterh command and when ill tupe that in that pick up to teleport the player in the house
/enter and /enterh is the same, just change my example to what you want it to be...

Here you can read about how to create a pickup to your house: https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/CreatePickup

ok i know that man but when ill be in that pick up just than to enter not when am out do u understand ? :S

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