What's the best MySQL account tutorial?

I have seen many tutorials about creating a MySQL account system. I know that some people know what they're doing, while others don't. I'll give you some of my future plans, maybe the tutorial COULD be compatible with some edits...
  • I'd like to get something fast, efficient and injection free.
  • I'll be creating a user and admin control panel for my website. Something similar to the one with LS:RP, but a lot more advanced with many more features...
Also, which MySQL plugin would work best? Some say "Strickenkid's", but others say "G-Stylez", or whatever...

All answers, discussions and debates appreciated!

Just try to use all of tutorials they all are good, if you don't you just don't want to learn it..
In my opinion G-Stylez's plugin is best
I can PM you a site where's very good tutorial( i learnt mysql from it )

Well, I've tried most of them... They work, but I was looking for the best one around. (at least in the developers opinion)


View the example script.

You could EASILY learn MySQL from one of the THOUSAND tutorials available on the Internet, hundreds of us here already understand it... Surely you can too?


Originally Posted by Carlton
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When I overlooked that earlier I was confused... It makes sense now, thanks. (i'll probably use it for a little while)

Originally Posted by Calgon
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You could EASILY learn MySQL from one of the THOUSAND tutorials available on the Internet, hundreds of us here already understand it... Surely you can too?
Yes, I could learn MySQL as well... It's probably a good idea, especially since I'll be creating a MySQL and PHP controlled user and admin control panel.

Originally Posted by iLinx
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That website seems quite nice, thanks a bunch!

In my opinion, the best way to learn MySQL is testing out your own simple scripts and using phpmyadmin. You could also learn a bit more by checking others scripts and trying to make them by your own.

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