16.08.2010, 18:38
Последний раз редактировалось WackoX; 16.08.2010 в 19:20.
A few questions about your life, you're not forced to fill this in, but if you like, sure 
Please add on some questions not only the number, but also per month/week/day etc.
Please fill in the answers fair, don't try to be cool or something please, thanks.
READ: When you don't want to fill in an answer (too private) please leave plank or answer: -private-
How old are you:
Male or female:
What is your religion:
Do you have any diseases or abnormalities:
Sports (if yes, what and when):
Where do you want to work later / work now:
What jobs do you like (rank it!):
(Work/School) At what time do you mostly go to bed:
(Work/School) At what time do you mostly sleep:
(Work/School) At what time do you mostly wake up:
(Work/School) What do you mostly eat in the morning:
(Work/School) What do you mostly eat in the midday:
(Work/School) What do you mostly eat in the evening:
(Work/School) How long are you outside (friends, etc.):
(Weekend) At what time do you mostly go to bed:
(Weekend) At what time do you mostly sleep:
(Weekend) At what time do you mostly wake up:
(Weekend) What do you mostly eat in the morning:
(Weekend) What do you mostly eat in the midday:
(Weekend) What do you mostly eat in the evening:
(Weekend) How long are you outside (friends, etc.):
When you wake up in the morning (as filled in), how long to do continue sleeping/relaxing:
Are you tall, average, or long (high length, NO PENIS):
Are you tight, average, or fat (body size):
How long are you mostly on the computer:
How long do you mostly watch TV:
How many times do you take a shower:
How many times do you clean up your room:
How many times do you 'make your bed':
How many times do you take a snack:
How many times do you brush your teeth:
How long do you brush your teeth:
How long to you mostly spend being with/at your friends (not counting school/work):
At what level are you on school / education:
Do you where any makeup:
Do you live on you own / have an own house:
Do you have a relationship:
Do you want a relationship:
If you had 3 whishes, what would it be (rank it!):
What do you want to change in your life or lifestyle:
When you get from school/work, what do you mostly do:
When you get from school/work, first finishing homework or PC/TV:
When you need to learn/make some homework, do you do it; the best you can, good/okay, fast, or not at all:
When you learn/make homework, does your parants, friends, or anybody else help you sometimes:
Do you which you had nicer friends:
How many times do you visit your friends, and when:
What punishment do you mostly get after doing something wrong:
Have you ever broke a law, stole something, etc. (if yes, what):
Have you even been in contact with the police (if yes, why):
Have you even been in contact with a criminal:
Have you even taken any drugs (if yes, what):
Have you ever had sex with somebody:
Are you gay, lesbian, or straight:
Do you respect religions, or do you hate them:
Do you think 9/11 was an inside job (after watching 1,5 hour 'loose change' movie!):
Do you swear; never, sometimes, average, too mutch:
Do you hate your country:
Do you hate your current government/laws:
Are you happy with..
Your high length (NO PENIS):
Your body size:
Your weight:
Your knowlage:
Your lifestyle:
Your friends:
Amount of friends:
Popularity on school/work:
The time you spend for school/work (homework):
How you look:
Are you..
A good/nice friend:
Willing to help people:
Do you find..
Your parents strict:
Yourself enough friends:
Yourself popular (on school):
Your life suck:
Life isn't fair:
Parents decision, or yours?
When to go to bed:
Maximum time on the PC:
Allowed to be on the internet/site:
At what time you must be home:
What kind of programmes on the TV you may watch:
What you are gonna eat in the evening (supper):
Forced to eat supper (evening):

Please add on some questions not only the number, but also per month/week/day etc.
Please fill in the answers fair, don't try to be cool or something please, thanks.
READ: When you don't want to fill in an answer (too private) please leave plank or answer: -private-
How old are you:
Male or female:
What is your religion:
Do you have any diseases or abnormalities:
Sports (if yes, what and when):
Where do you want to work later / work now:
What jobs do you like (rank it!):
(Work/School) At what time do you mostly go to bed:
(Work/School) At what time do you mostly sleep:
(Work/School) At what time do you mostly wake up:
(Work/School) What do you mostly eat in the morning:
(Work/School) What do you mostly eat in the midday:
(Work/School) What do you mostly eat in the evening:
(Work/School) How long are you outside (friends, etc.):
(Weekend) At what time do you mostly go to bed:
(Weekend) At what time do you mostly sleep:
(Weekend) At what time do you mostly wake up:
(Weekend) What do you mostly eat in the morning:
(Weekend) What do you mostly eat in the midday:
(Weekend) What do you mostly eat in the evening:
(Weekend) How long are you outside (friends, etc.):
When you wake up in the morning (as filled in), how long to do continue sleeping/relaxing:
Are you tall, average, or long (high length, NO PENIS):
Are you tight, average, or fat (body size):
How long are you mostly on the computer:
How long do you mostly watch TV:
How many times do you take a shower:
How many times do you clean up your room:
How many times do you 'make your bed':
How many times do you take a snack:
How many times do you brush your teeth:
How long do you brush your teeth:
How long to you mostly spend being with/at your friends (not counting school/work):
At what level are you on school / education:
Do you where any makeup:
Do you live on you own / have an own house:
Do you have a relationship:
Do you want a relationship:
If you had 3 whishes, what would it be (rank it!):
What do you want to change in your life or lifestyle:
When you get from school/work, what do you mostly do:
When you get from school/work, first finishing homework or PC/TV:
When you need to learn/make some homework, do you do it; the best you can, good/okay, fast, or not at all:
When you learn/make homework, does your parants, friends, or anybody else help you sometimes:
Do you which you had nicer friends:
How many times do you visit your friends, and when:
What punishment do you mostly get after doing something wrong:
Have you ever broke a law, stole something, etc. (if yes, what):
Have you even been in contact with the police (if yes, why):
Have you even been in contact with a criminal:
Have you even taken any drugs (if yes, what):
Have you ever had sex with somebody:
Are you gay, lesbian, or straight:
Do you respect religions, or do you hate them:
Do you think 9/11 was an inside job (after watching 1,5 hour 'loose change' movie!):
Do you swear; never, sometimes, average, too mutch:
Do you hate your country:
Do you hate your current government/laws:
Are you happy with..
Your high length (NO PENIS):
Your body size:
Your weight:
Your knowlage:
Your lifestyle:
Your friends:
Amount of friends:
Popularity on school/work:
The time you spend for school/work (homework):
How you look:
Are you..
A good/nice friend:
Willing to help people:
Do you find..
Your parents strict:
Yourself enough friends:
Yourself popular (on school):
Your life suck:
Life isn't fair:
Parents decision, or yours?
When to go to bed:
Maximum time on the PC:
Allowed to be on the internet/site:
At what time you must be home:
What kind of programmes on the TV you may watch:
What you are gonna eat in the evening (supper):
Forced to eat supper (evening):