New function, machine's variables

Dear kye, Development team of SA-MP

first of all, I would like to thank you for the great Job you've done with your development team on SA-MP over the years, I use this MOD since the first version and I manage some servers in my country.

Nowadays we have a common problem with game servers, "how can we BAN a user from a server and make sure that he won't be able to come back again?

i'm writing to ask if you could include in the next version of SA-MP a tool that get some infomation from the machine in which SA-MP is running, like SSID ( Security Identifier of the Microsoft Windows), HD's serial number, or something that the user cannot change easily, with this feature, we can create a more eficient "ban sistem" than the one in the current sa-mp version.

the servers usualy ban the IP adress, but the bad users can manage to change it easily.

or use mysql and an other program to send machine's variables to the database and share with samp using a plugin, but it doesn't work fine enough.

yours faithfully.

This has been suggested multiple times but never added. Presumably because it would breach some form of security law or something like that, but to be honest I have no idea. I just know it's been suggested multiple times!

Just add something with ISP or pass through VPN.

ok, just create a reg, or create a secret file that identify the user.
but it have to be secret.


SA-MP is very good, but much is vulnerable, users modify the game easily, install cheats and we cannot do nothing, sad!

something like that.

anyone knows some plugin(s) which gets these informations?


Hire somebody to make a plugin, it shouldn't be hard to make with C++.

- Coole

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