Posts: 14
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Joined: Jan 2008
Hello, i am doin a gang wars mod... and i need an Auto Saveclass... that doin when player taking a class.. he cant change his class any more
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When he spawns save the skin to a pvar. No matter what they spawn as, it will always be the someone. until they leave the server, unless you want it to save to a DB.
Posts: 14
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Joined: Jan 2008
Yes, i want it to save in the DB... that if he login to the server the skin he first to choise.. that will be hes skin always
Posts: 14
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Joined: Jan 2008
07.08.2010, 12:01
Последний раз редактировалось oded050; 07.08.2010 в 12:45.
error 017: undefined symbol "YouNeedACheep"
error 017: undefined symbol "Contact"
error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
error 017: undefined symbol "COM"
4 errors..
and i want its will saved if i leave the server too
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Joined: Jun 2010
That would be his signature, which has nothing to do with skin saving but is a fun way of making an Advertisement for a host.
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Why Dont You Guys Stop Being Such Ass'es And Stop Offtopicing And Try To Help The Guy This Is Not The Useless Posting Forum