MYSQL connection problem - please take a look at that

Well, I've downloaded wampserver and its on. In addition, I've downloaded the software "MyTool - SQL database editor" for editing the mysql database. Well, I try to set up a new connection and to log into the localhost server, but it asks for a password, witch I do not have. I've checked the MYSQL Ini file and noticed that there is no password for the localhost connection! I can't log into the database and can run my server.

Does somebody know what the problem is?

Thank you.

WAMP by default doesn't set up a password for the MySQL server. So you should be able to just login as root with a blank password.

I know, but it asks for a password when I try to log into the database with the software.
Maybe I don't have a mysql server at all?

Originally Posted by Ed2ka49
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I know, but it asks for a password when I try to log into the database with the software.
Maybe I don't have a mysql server at all?
Well the software probably doesn't have support for connecting without a password. I use Navicat for MySQL database management, I recommend you try it. I've used it before with the MySQL server that came with WAMP with no issues.

Also if it asks for a password it means that it must have made a connection, so yes the MySQL server must exist. Unless the software is very bad

You could also try using phpmyadmin that comes with WAMP.

Just use PHPmyadmin its easier then it looks.

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