Random lag spike help?

Well its not really random...

I connect to a server, and 5-10 minutes later I lag and get half connected, then it goes back to normal...

It seems to be for my entire internet connection, i do not have any viruses, so I know it is either has to do with vista being evil, or my network connection.

I have vista, and uh... a netgear router, think it has to do with my router...

whats ur internet MBPS

does this happen to every server?

May be your hardware. On ServerFFS this was happening and then the PC fried. Once got a new FFS server it stopped.

post your internet speed?

I have a netgear router and (had) Vista, no problems with those. The problem was my computer couldn't run SA on the settings I was playing. To completely eliminate lag, I had to put visual settings on Low and turn off frame limiter, and turn off radio settings.

After that, everything was fine.

I actually had to put on Frame Limiter to stop the lag, and amazingly enough getting the FPS up as well.

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