Lots Of Errors

Im having a problem where when i fix 26 errors another 26 pop up its drivng me crazy can anyone help me fix this game mode?

Well, post the compile errors and the lines which the compile errors relate to.

missing a closing bracket "}"

Originally Posted by John_Cooper
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Im having a problem where when i fix 26 errors another 26 pop up its drivng me crazy can anyone help me fix this game mode?
Oh, its hard to notice where is problem, because only you know, what was last thing what you made, before compiled of first time when you get there 26 errors, check last few things what you made if {}{} is same count.

Good luck.

Yes, post the errors! but don't panic, because when it comes up with loads of errors its normaly only one thing wrong like "kar" said you might be missing a bracket "}"

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