[Map] Roadblock at Idlewood Gas Station

Well, it's short and sweet. Just a bit extra for Roleplay servers out there, since not every street is open IRL.. Constructive Criticism is appreciated. My first small map, and my second altogether, so.... Thanks!

Originally Posted by Pawn Code
CreateObject(4516, 1854.8015136719, -1751.9952392578, 14.214054107666, 0, 0, 266);
CreateObject(973, 1860.5467529297, -1761.9005126953, 13.265644073486, 0, 0, 326);
CreateObject(973, 1860.3659667969, -1741.3510742188, 13.285633087158, 0, 0, 235.7473449707);
CreateObject(1263, 1867.8270263672, -1752.2735595703, 22.545000076294, 0, 0, 180);
CreateObject(16101, 1867.6561279297, -1752.3023681641, 12.3828125, 0, 0, 0);
Here's a Screenshot of exactly what it looks like.


Its ok, not bad for one of your first. I'd just suggest that you make the road block in separate objects, instead of it just being that original road block that separates islands in the Single Player mode. Doing that adds creativity and it would also look a bit more realistic as you can make the objects fit nicely. In this map, you can see the roadblock is half stuck in the wall and the other side is hanging out. Don't think I'm saying its a shit map, I actually like your idea, I'm saying that using your imagination does help. You've shown that by making a road block, try pushing it by creating your very own road block and try to add pieces of rubble on the ground while you're at it :P

A roadblock for what? It's just in the middle of the road. People can go around. Add some realistic stuff in the middle, and some vehicles, objects, barriers to make it look very realistic.

OK, thanks for the positive replies, and not just yelling at me to change things! I'll be sure in my next version of this map, to make it more realistic, and add a burnt truck in the center of the Intersection, as well as make all three sides blocked off. Thanks!

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