Resizing array & lists

Is there something like list avaible in SA-MP? By list i mean that i can add and remove array members at runtime without knowing max ammount of items at coding time. If not, is there any way to resize array at runtime?

The only solution id know atm is to create an array and to write the old one in the new one. You could add/remove something then to resize it.

Array i want to resize is global. Can i create global arrays at runtime?

That is not possible. You cannot create global variables during run time.

I have an idea about workaround, if anyone needs it:

new array[200], pointer;
pointer = 0;

//adding member
pointer = pointer + 1

//getting members
for (new i = 0;i < pointer;i++)
// do something
Idea is that instead of using sizeof, you can use another variable that will determine highest member. It's working on my server, but there are two main problems: memory usage can be high since you have to initialize large array and what to do if number of entries still exceeds array size.

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