Spawned (Right Owner/Password) Vehicle Lock

I would like to add 2 or 3 vehicles to a secret garage.. but I want to make it only be used by the right owner or with a simulair password system. And I want it to be spawned the same way if it explodes or respawns.
(With the password system it would be really sort of hard to create in my opinion.)

I know this sort of sounds wierd and confusing but there might be one or a thousand.
So I'm pretty intrested whats all already out there and hope someone will reply at the end of this day

If no one responses at all.. still thanks for reading and understanding (or not at all )

You could use "AddStaticVehicleEx(...)" and perform a check to see if the players name who is entering the car matches the "server owner", or whatever.

As like this?

new OwnerCar1;

OwnerCar1 = AddStaticVehicleEx(470, -401.7490, 2202.8593, 42.3700, 190.0, -1, -1); //Random Car (patriot)

	if (????? "OwnerCar1", true) == 0)
	    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You must be a admin to enter this vehicle?"
	    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Message for failing...");
    	return 1;
Please give a example so I can learn from this, Thank you.

Hm, similar. I am not on my Pawno enhanced PC at the moment and don't like typing it straight into the forum, I will whip something up later today....

understood, Thanks.

Originally Posted by RealCop228
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Hm, similar. I am not on my Pawno enhanced PC at the moment and don't like typing it straight into the forum, I will whip something up later today....
You possible forgot about this =\
Ah well, Can someone else help me a hand with this?

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