Best TV to get?

For a start, i am pleased the forums are back up :3

Anyway, I'm looking for a 37" - 40" TV, Preferable not Plasma as they last like 2 years.

But i need it as cheap as possible, buy good quality at the same time.

Has to be flat screen as it's being hinged to the wall.

Beko flatscreens are usually quite cheap and are extremely reliable, whenever I can, I buy beko products. I've got a beko widescreen 32 inch TV, the old fat ones, and have had that for about 6-7 years. Then I also have a Beko 32 inch LCD screen, working great and no problems in the 2 years I've had that. Then I have a beko fridge and a beko freezer, all still working great, never a problem. Oh and a beko washing machine!

Are you being serious lol?

Never heard of that company ill check it out.

Fully serious

I only noticed just now how many of my appliances are actually made by Beko, never had 1 issue yet, pretty damn amazing company. Their stuff is cheaper than others like Samsung too

Where did you gets yours from? Online? In-Store?

Originally Posted by Mrkrabz
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Where did you gets yours from? Online? In-Store?
Bought all of them in a store, I think it's a UK Company, you should be able to find their stuff online somewhere too though. I'm not sure if they sell that brand in stores outside of UK and Ireland.

I'm in UK :3

LG no doubt. I've got a 40' flatscreen as well as two monitors for my desktop (~23') and they're all amazing. The oldest one is around ~4/5 years (40') and its still going strong, the price range is quite affordable aswell, I paid $100 for the desktop screens, $800 for the 40' (im sure they're cheaper now though, I've seen them for $400 - $500).

Im not sure about Beko, never heard of it before, but im in a similar position with LG, I've got LG screens, dishwashers, washing machines, and a LG fridge.

ps: I'm happy the forums are back aswell =]

Sony, Samsung, LG, Panasonic are probably the best for LCD's. Pioneer were a good Plasma manufacturer (probably the best for plasma's), however it would seem like most manufacturers have decided to focus on LCD's.

In terms of Value and Quality, the most well known company with these two attributes would have to be LG, and they have some pretty good TV's.

Personally, I mainly have Sony TV's and Bose Audio systems, however this is rather expensive and means that you will end up having to live with it for a rather long time until you can work up the money to splash out on a new model.

In regards to Beko, well.. I'm not too sure of their quality(since I've never owned anything made by them), however since someone who actually has a product manufactured by them (JaTochNietDan)and has had a good experience, I would assume they're alright.

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